Sunday, April 18, 2010

Suing Muhammad

Saturday, April 17, 2010

                                     Danish cartoon protest
 Reverse lawfare -- a lawsuit is being prepared against the 94,000 Moe descendants for over a millennium of jihad wars, land expropriations, enslavements, and humiliations of the conquered non-Muslim populations on three continents.
Back in March I reported on a new front that opened in the Islamic litigation jihad on the vastly superior West. A Saudi Arabian law firm launched a  mega Muslim lawfare attack against the Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten for the cartoons of Muhammad. The Saudi firm claims to represent 94,000 of Muhammad’s descendants.

In a major counter offensive, Hans Erling Jensen, Eticha (HEJ), has counter sued -- "now we know where to send our claims for all the threats, the bullying and violent acts that have come out of the Quran and hadith the last many centuries!” The Quran violates Danish law, specifically the well known 'hate speech' article 266b. Turning lawfare against jihad. I love it!
The lawsuit demands that the verses, suras, Islamic texts and teachings that prescribe, command, demand jihad be changed or expunged from Islam. The suit is to claim that Muhammad is responsible for a centuries-old persecution of women by asserting that they are worth less than men in intelligence, in matters of inheritance economy and parentage.
A future lawsuit will address that the Quran and Hadith imply that non-Muslims are the enemies of Allah and therefore were and are to be treated as outlaws. Due to the fact that Muhammed ibn ‘Abd Allāh al-Hashimi al-Qurashi claimed that not he but Allah was the author of this insult, and thus ascribed the saying to him, we find this not only blasphemous but also a thinly disguised attempt to decriminalize Muhammed ibn ‘Abd Allāh al-Hashimi al-Qurashi's own misdemeanors.
The lawsuit demands that designated changes be made in libraries, in all mosques and other public places in which these abominations are disseminated before December 31, 2010. Prior to this date the owners (we assume that Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allāh al-Hashimi al-Qurashi’s descendants possess the rights to the koran, their ancestor's work!) must forbid publication in its present variation and likewise forbid its distribution by anybody remotely connected to Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allāh al-Hashimi al-Qurashi’s descendants. It must neither be financed by funds nor organisations supporting these descendants in any other issue.

You can read the rest at Atlas Shrugs