Media Matters is attempting to attack Glenn Beck over his exposé of Progressive violence and crimes against humanity in the previous century.
Case in point, one topic Media Matters and other progressive groups don’t want to deal with is how Progressive Eugenics inspired the Master Race holocaust of WWII.
I have covered this here before, and the facts are truly damning as well as irrefutable.
To see just how involved the American Progressive movement was in the global effort to murder the “inferior” in the name of their junk science of Eugenics, we dare you to click through to this Google Books page for Black’s book, War Against The Weak. The link highlights the word Progressive everywhere it appears in the text.I would like to officially challenge the folks at Media Matters, and other progressive intellectual sink-holes, to address their movement’s role in the Nazi genocide.
And before the folks at Media Matters try to destroy the source of the detailed research which reveals how America’s Progressive movement collaborated with the Nazis to commit genocide, we would simply like to wish you good luck with that.
The Neo-Progressives might do themselves a service by admitting the damage their predecessors have done, and trying to make amends for their horrors. Denying these documented crimes is the same as excusing them.
I would also like to challenge American Jews and Blacks, the main targets of Progressive Eugenics, by asking how they can call themselves Progressives given what the movement has unapologetically done to their populations.
Progressive intellectuals inspired and fed the ideology of Nazis and the Klan.
Is a Jewish Progressive any different than a Jewish Nazi? If so, how?
Is a black Progressive any different than a black Klansman? If so, how?
If those questions strike you as painful, they should. This topic demands some tough questions.
By no means am I concluding that Progressive Jews and Blacks are Nazis or Klansmen. Of course they are not. I am absolutely suggesting they have not a clue about the movement they have signed onto. How could they be aware of what Progressivism unapologetically did, and still join it?
These are serious questions which I wish any progressive would attempt to address. For all I know, there is a perfectly good reason for these people to subscribe to a movement that unapologetically tried to wipe them off the face of the earth.
So far, I can’t figure it out.
At the very least, if the Progressive movement of today would like to argue that it is not the same movement it once was, I’m all ears. So far all I’ve heard is defensiveness. The Progressive movement should be considered to have not a shred of credibility until they at least acknowledge their movement’s role in many of the 20th Century’s most sadistic atrocities.
Big Government