Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Dumbass Midterm

This entry was posted on Saturday, September 25th, 2010 at 1:44 pm and is filed under Election 2010, Government, Media Bias, Politics.

As a consequence of my job description, I monitor the comments left on various posts and there’s a clear narrative being disseminated prior to the upcoming midterm elections: the Tea Party, independents, and anyone with the audacity to oppose Democrats are uninformed, clueless, stupid, dumb-asses.

Just ask Massachusetts senator John Kerry
“We have an electorate that doesn’t always pay that much attention to what’s going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what’s happening.”
This is clearly nothing new.

Progressives have always looked down their noses at those who have the nerve not to think as they do, and are now relying on those they’ve indoctrinated via academia and entertainment. Young people (reciting specific talking points) are taking aim on those who are about to undo all things Hope and Change.
christine o’donnell and sarah palin sadly show how uneducated and ignorant my fellow americans are
The New York Times even featured a piece, Poll Finds Tea Party Backers Wealthier and More Educated. How ironic this being one of the few instances where progressives ignored a finding of their treasured New York Times. Granted this is also Alinsky 1.01, but I’ve always wondered how you could persuade someone to come over to your side while you also issue that person your finest in unbridled hate.
why are uncle toms alway gay? seems like all there doing is waiting around to suck a rednecks penis so sad,,, get a job fags
While insisting conservatives are “extreme” (like this Congress and those who support them can talk), liberals have granted themselves the right to use every pejorative they’ve made taboo within our society. They can attack on the basis of class, I.Q., gender, race, and they’re encouraging young people to do so within the anonymity of the home computer.

For example, on someone supporting Christine O’Donnell…
You arent winning you dumb shit. You are getting the nomination but during the general election you are causing republicans to lose seats that they SHOULD be winning. Your pyshcopath movement is going to be a flash in the pan. And Obama WILL be re elected. Trust me. Especially if you prop up one of these tea party quacks to run.
They righteously declare our “war is lost” while ignoring almost every poll out there. Surely Capitol Hill Democrats wouldn’t be jetting out of D.C. early to campaign if their reelection was in the bag. They’d campaign on passing health care reform and would want to be seen with their fearless leader.

Yet grammatically-challenged, public school undereducated punks are going all out dissing the intelligence of others. One would think they would utilize spell check and simple punctuation when going there.
Hate is a blinding force.
I would rather my tax dollars help working America – not hedge fund managers, banks and war profiteers (Republicans). You’re a member of the nuzi party. Live with it. You won’t win again in November. Most of America isn’t as stupid as you. BTW – Fuck you.
What concerns me is what happens after November 3rd and who will really be the dumb-ass?

For those of us who were paying attention to politics before holding up an Obama sign, in 1994 when the Republicans won control of the House and Senate, the first thing Democrats publicly demanded was that they now be able to “share” power. This despite their well-known tradition of shutting out opposition amendments to their legislation, blaming Republicans for non-passage of bills Democrats have the numbers (but not full support) to pass, false accusations of racism, sexism, starving children, throwing seniors onto the streets, polluting water and air, yada yada.

Should Democrats receive the ass-whuppin’ predicted, that should be a clear enough rejection that will keep them far away from any table when it comes to repairing the damage they’ve done to the economy and the nation’s psyche. The progressive squeal and subsequent demand they be heard should be summarily dismissed by the new party in control.
It was a despondent night for Democrats, as a parade of White House officials, rather than giving grudging congratulations to the Republicans, challenged them to be more constructive than they have been in Congress this year.
New York Times, November 9, 1994
 Expect similar hubris and expectations from current Obama officials and their bummed out media punditry.

The Republicans should not make the same mistake Scott Brown made and be afraid to be seen with the date that brought him.

Until then, enjoy the liberal attacks on the intelligence of those they call “teabaggers”,  “dumbass” and “looser”. Remember the insults the left will deliver from now until the election… AFTER the election.

Newly empowered conservatives succumbing to political, media and liberal activist pressure may prove them right.

Black and Right