November 20, 2010
Back during the Clinton presidential campaign, Democrats thought it exceedingly clever to counter every Republican charge with a snide, "It's the economy, stupid," as if we just weren't capable of cutting through all the political clutter to realize the one true issue of that time. Today, all the superfluous media hoopla about TSA's literally groping overreach and America's resistance to that invasion of personal privacy actually can be distilled down to one essential truth, and that is, "It's the political correctness stupid!"
TSA should take away its ridiculous restrictions against sensibly profiling those most likely to be terrorist aircraft bombers and focus its scrutiny on those who common sense and history tell us are the most likely perpetrators of terror on airplanes. Quit harassing ordinary travelers to satisfy some ditzy liberal ideal that we are all equal even when it comes to the ridiculous proposition that all Americans represent equal potential for being mass murderers.
And that, purely and simply is what this is all about, a lofty but loony liberal-driven proscription against ethnic profiling that results in surreal governmental policies and ridiculously stringent security programs which inconvenience, insult and enrage the millions of harmless flyers who each and every one are treated as potential enemies of the state, their dignity sacrificed on the officially enshrined liberal altar of political correctness.
Trying to convince sensible Americans that TSA's policies are realistic and reasonable when the overwhelming majority of terrorist attacks have not been perpetrated by non-Middle-Eastern, non-African national, non-male, non-Muslim terrorists, is to demand of the country as a whole, "Who you gonna believe, your federal bureaucracy or your lyin' eyes?"
An angry American electorate has just repudiated the radical liberalism of the Democratic administration and the Democratic congress in other areas of governance. It is time for that electorate to voice its refusal to continue to submit to the stupidity of this most mindless and insidious tenet of liberalism; politically correct speech and behavior control. It's not a higher risk of terrorism that's causing TSA's increasingly obnoxious policies and the subsequent public outrage:
It's the Political Correctness, Stupid!
American Thinker