On Friday February 11, the organization “Muslims for America” will sponsor a panel at CPAC at 1:00 p.m. with the innocuous title “The Importance of Faith & Religious Liberty in the US & Abroad.”
Let’s hypothesize that groups sponsor panels only with the ACU Board of Director’s approval. Or be charitable; perhaps the ACU board has been misinformed about “Muslims for America.” Because even a superficial attempt at due diligence would have shown the Board that “Muslims For America” has long – and publicly – supported CAIR, ISNA, and the American Muslim Council (AMC), all associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact this “Muslims for America” support for the AMC was years after AMC leader Abdurahman Alamoudi had been convicted for his support for terrorism and sentenced to 23 years in jail. CAIR and ISNA, other friends of “Muslims for America,” were both named as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism finance trial and in that trial, and identified by prosecutors as linked to the Muslim Brotherhood.

“Muslims For America” founder Seeme Gull Hasan wrote this detailed editorial published at the “Muslims for America” website – “Muslims For America Within The Muslim Organization Umbrella” (and a backup pdf) - specifically to praise other Muslim-Brotherhood associated organizations with whom she works.
Failure of Due Diligence – or Failure of Conservative Values?
Perhaps more due diligence, and less Shariah-compliant political correctness, would have helped protect the ACU Board of Directors from endorsing such a problematic sponsor of a CPAC panel – especially given the Muslim Brotherhood’s rapid expansion throughout the Middle East in the last weeks and dangerous influence on the Obama administration’s foreign policies and intelligence communities.
Or maybe the ACU Board of Directors does in fact repudiate the solid case the prosecutors made in the Holy Land Foundation case – and embraces the Muslim Brotherhood and all its front groups here in the U.S., in the spirit of “conservative inclusion”?
Some key quotes from the “Muslims for America” declaration:
“We here at Muslims For America are proud to be apart of a great umbrella of American Muslim organizations, within our American political system. In turn, we do not seek to undermine or overtake any other American Muslim organization; in fact, we seek to work with other organizations, in finding a niche that can best serve America, her Muslims, and the world, at large.
In essence, history will note that American Muslims, at this time, were the world’s greatest political power brokers and peacemakers. The greatest foreign policy decisions, to be delivered upon the Muslim World, will come from America; in turn, it is of the utmost importance that we, as American Muslims, participate greatly within our American political system, in drafting the best future possible for the Muslim World. We here at Muslims For America, in surveying so many terrific American Muslim groups, are confident that, together, peace will be delivered swiftly to the Muslim World.
One American Muslim group we have always admired is the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) lobbying organization. MPAC has worked hard to establish a strong office and presence in Washington DC, giving them great access to lobbying our American politicians. MPAC has used its resources and contributions well, in developing deep relationships with many politicians, including the Bush Administration. In turn, no American Muslim organization has created a better lobbying machine, on behalf of American Muslims, than MPAC. …”
“Another American Muslim organization that has impressed us greatly is the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR). Critics will point to CAIR’s past history of participation within possible terrorist organizations, but we here at Muslims For America have worked with CAIR since then and we verify that their organization has cleaned out any negative elements, in addition to maintaining the great faucets [sic] of their organization….”
“And of course, we do not want to forget the other great organizations, including ISNA, ICNA, AMC, and others. We look to work with them all and help them all.
In turn, as MPAC is doing the best job of handling lobbying efforts, while CAIR is doing the best job of handling civil rights efforts, it leaves us, here at Muslims For America, to focus upon an important job that is greatly needed – creating a grassroots network of American Muslims, who are directly connected with the Republican and Democratic Parties. In other words, we look to connect American politicians and parties with American Muslims.
In creating this goal, we have strategized the most effective ways to give American Muslims a positive foothold within our American political system. We have partnered with the Americans For Tax Reform (ATR) organization, who are looking for Muslim leaders, state-by- state, to participate within their monthly meetings, which also serve as political hotbeds for creating relations with top political leaders and Muslims….”
As detailed in “Shariah – the Threat to America,” (purchase at amazon.com or free download ), in the Holy Land Foundation trial documents, and in this excellent study of the Muslim Brotherhood in America from the Hudson Institute, the groups embraced by “Muslims for America” are indeed associated with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Here are the ACU Board of Directors’ choices:
- Integrity: Accept that the Department of Justice proved its case – recently upheld by another court – that the AMC, CAIR and ISNA are affiliated with the MB. Refuse participation in future CPAC conferences by this supporter of those MB-associated organizations, “Muslims for America”;
- Willful Blindness: Repudiate the fact that Department of Justice prosecutors won the Holy Land Foundation case (and the AMC case against Alamoudi). Deny the evidence that CAIR, ISNA, AMC, MSA and other groups are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Invite “Muslims for America” to the 2012 CPAC;
- Submission: Embrace the Muslim Brotherhood and its associated U.S. front organizations. Follow the lead of this year’s CPAC panel sponsor, “Muslims for America.”
Big Peace