Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Progressives See Racism Where It Isn’t, Ignore It Where It Exists

Dana LoeschPosted by Dana Loesch Feb 15th 2011 at 8:56 pm in Hippocritico, MSNBC, Mainstream Media, Obama, Race, media bias

Progressives have taken issue with a cartoon published recently on this website mocking the government overreach of the First Lady’s food regulations. The cartoon ran specifically post-Super Bowl to emphasize the double standard of what Michelle Obama says regarding American diets, and the food choices offered at the White House’s Super Bowl party.

Lawrence O’Donnell stopped his beta male “Say Anything” pining over Bill O’Reilly long enough to bore us all to tears with a discombobulated diatribe about why the Hudnall/Lash cartoon was racist but apparently screaming for the lynching of Justice Thomas was not. Oh! My bad! O’Donnell said nothing of the prog-Thomas-lynching or the Cain-monkey-slur.

Untitled from Breitbart on Vimeo.

Grasping at straws and eager to cover up their recent calls to lynch a black Supreme Court Justice and their refusal to condemn a recent Alternet article wherein Herman Cain was called, among other slurs, a “monkey,” progs have chosen to call the James Hudnall/Batton Lash cartoon “racist” and refuse to condemn the aforementioned.

I won’t even call this latest stunt by the left a “double standard” because for it to be a double standard, there must be something comparable on the right which there simply is not. On one hand you have a cartoon mocking the hypocrisy of the First Lady’s remarks while eating food listed on the White House menu of Super Bowl choices; on the other you have a progressive mob – not one, not two, but many – calling for the lynching of Justice Clarence Thomas and slurring Herman Cain in a progressive, Tides-funded web publication. Apparently the hypocrisy of the First Lady is off limits because she’s … a woman, thus sexist?

Black, thus racist? Exempting her for either is inherently sexist and racist.

But apparently calling for lynchings of, and naming blacks who happen to be conservatives is OK to Lawrence O’Donnell.

Speaking of cartoons, where was O’Donnell over this?

Yes, that was the progressive-sanctioned-by-silence cartoon by Ted Rall wherein he drew Condoleezza Rice saying: “I WAS BUSH’S BEARD! HIS WHITE HOUSE NIGGA!”

So let’s recap. The above …

Progressives calling for the lynching of Clarence Thomas:

Progressives calling Herman Cain a litany of slurs including “monkey:”
We always need a monkey in the window, for he/she reminds us of our humanity while simultaneously reinforcing a sense of our own superiority. Sadly, there are always folks who are willing to play that role because it pays so well.
- and they hope to fabricate some charge of racism from a cartoon clearly mocking the hypocrisy of the First Lady’s standards on food consumption as a way to get at Andrew Breitbart since he has them by the balls with Pigford?

Lawrence O’Donnell and other progressives’ complete lack of concern for the examples of actual racism are not well served by continual avoidance and the fabrication of racism where none exists simply to score a political point. It’s pathetic and offensive, and O’Donnell owes James Hudnall and Batton Lash an apology.

I also call on Lawrence O’Donnell to right now condemn the racist Alternet article on Herman Cain and the calls from progressives with Common Cause to lynch Justice Thomas. I will update in a seperate post for every single day O’Donnell fails to do so.

Big Journalism