Monday, August 8, 2011

The Subtle Domination Of Sharia Law, and How Freedom Can Win

Ideology and Practices

Would you allow a murderer to teach your children? What about their friends who support their actions, would they make good teachers? What if the actions these people support involved sex with minors or the mutilating of women? How about the killing someone because they’re gay, is that acceptable? What if we go through and kill all the Atheists, Jews, Christians, Mormons, Muslims, and maybe all the Liberals, Conservatives, Communists, and Capitalists, just to be safe? Does that sound like a good plan? So who is left? Pretty much no one except the animals.

We live in a country that though we disagree with another person’s belief or point of view, it is unlawful to abuse, mutilate, or kill them. The individual has rights and those rights are enforced by our courts and our Constitution. When we encounter people whose actions differ from these rights, we arrest them for the promotion as well as the actions themselves. A good example of this is pedophiles. We not only arrest those who actually have sex with children, we arrest those who promote it. Would it surprise you to know that all the actions described in the first paragraph are all part of the belief doctrine of Sharia Law?

If we look at Muslim countries around the world that obey Sharia Law, those actions listed above are commonplace. What does that have to do with the U.S.? More than you think.

Sharia Law is being integrated into some parts of U.S. communities much like it has in the UK, but is being fought back to some degree in countries like Australia.

A survey conducted by Mapping Sharia discovered that of 100 randomly selected mosques in the U.S., 51% had texts on site rated as severely advocating violence; 30% had texts rated as moderately advocating violence; and 19% had no violent texts at all.
Also discovered was that 84.5% of those mosques had imams recommending the reading of pro-violence texts. 58% of those mosques also invited guest imams to speak who promote violent jihad. Sharia-adherent mosques were more likely to recommend that a worshiper study violence-positive texts.

The texts referred to above are the Koran and the Hadith, the “Koran and the Hadith are accepted as infallible sources because they are the foundations and title-deeds of the religion of Islam. ” The Koran and the Hadith promote Jihad, which is the conversion to Islam or the eradication of non-believers. This can take place in one of 3 ways; financial, cultural, or violent.
Joy Brighton at Stop Sharia Now & ACT for America explains this very well.

What sets Muslim’s Sharia Law apart from other religious beliefs in the U.S. is that they believe their Sharia court system supersedes our U.S. courts and our Constitution. Essentially, the outdated, barbaric practices by Muslims according to Sharia Law are applied to punishments, according to their interpretation of today’s crimes and righteous indignation. Those practices have included; beaten for drinking, wife beating, acid thrown in face of women [Warning: Graphic], stoning women, polygamy and pedophilia, child brides, female circumcision, death to those who do not convert to Islam, execution of Muslims who refuse Sharia Law, treating women as slaves or property, forced marriages, death to homosexuals, and even crucifixions.

Some countries that practice Sharia Law are, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan, and some terror organizations that include Hamas, Hezbollah, Hizb-ut-Tahrir (HUT), Taliban, Al Qaeda, and President Obama’s new outreach recipient, the Muslim Brotherhood. Countries who have suffered from Sharia Law killings include Egypt, Pakistan, Indonia, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, Canada, the U.S., and others.

Sharia Law is not solely the practicing law of Islam, it is a religious movement as well as a social-political movement like Nazism or Communism. In fact, with Sharia Law’s complete and extreme prejudice against non-believers of Islam, their practicing ideology might be more closely recognized to that of White Supremacists. Both have strong tyrannical order and punishment that can lead to death. Granted, White Supremacists, at least in the U.S., may not publicly hang those they deem deserving as they did several decades ago, but the ideology of requiring the world around them to obey their order or suffer extreme consequences is the same.

Maybe it is our history of White Supremacy groups that has made our country tone deaf to this kind of ideological infiltration. In this ‘politically correct’ world we have allowed, in an effort to be more “open,” many ideologies to flourish that do not represent America’s Constitutional persona. For over 100 years different religious and political ideologies have been able to take a foothold in the U.S. One such example was a Nazi Convention in Madison Square Garden in NYC in 1938. Though we have had major flare ups over the years, we have successfully held them back from completely alternating our governmental process…so far. As some have said, ‘political correctness’ could be our Achilles Heel. Bill Cosby once said, I paraphrase, ‘don’t be so open that your brains fall out.’

One reason for the propagation of recent Islamic growth throughout the world, coupled with violence, may be related to the book, “Jihad in Islam.” This book is the text of a speech by Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi given in Lahore, Pakistan, in 1939. A few words of Maududi’s speech clarifies what he believes is the mission of Islam, though the entire speech is chilling and worth reading.
“In reality Islam is a revolutionary ideology and programme which seeks to alter the social order of the whole world and rebuild it in conformity with its own tenets and ideals.”
.. “Islam wishes to destroy all States and Governments anywhere on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and programme of Islam regardless of the country or the Nation which rules it.”
Maududi’s other lectures, along with his speeches, were published into a book entitled “Fundamentals of Islam.” Since the days of WWII his words have been published into several different languages and in the forms of hardcover, paperback, and online. Because of the time period, Maududi makes references to his “enemies” not as Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan. Instead his “enemies” are western European countries like England and France. Since Maududi’s influences were Leninist revolutionaries, his hatred of freer, western culture is not surprising. With the technological advancements of the Internet, Facebook, Youtube, PDF filesharing, and the help of the International Islamic Federation Of Student Organizations, their “moderate” facade of Maududi’s violent, revolutionary doctrine continues to spread at an alarming rate.

Islam is so much more than simply a religion. As Frontpage Magazine puts it on April 21, 2008 in an article titled “What Islam Isn’t,” Islam is described as a complete belief system with “religious, legal, political, economic, and military components. ” The typical tactic in which Islam and Sharia infiltrates, and later incorporates, itself into a country is by its believers establishing small ghettos or communities. Within those communities the local imam controls by dictating all aspect of life with the hanging threat of their wicked punishments. The more that community grows, the less they respect or recognize the authority of the country in which the community inhabits. This method is usually referred to as “civilization Jihad” or “stealth Jihad.” A good example of the level of Islamic growth in proportion to the amount of control and violence they weld is well recorded throughout the nations of the world. Here is a statistical table from “What Islam Isn’t“:
“As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:
United States — Muslim 1.0%
Australia — Muslim 1.5%
Canada — Muslim 1.9%
China — Muslim 1%-2%
Italy — Muslim 1.5%
Norway — Muslim 1.8%
At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:

Denmark — Muslim 2%
Germany — Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom — Muslim 2.7%
Spain — Muslim 4%
Thailand — Muslim 4.6%
From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.
They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves — along with threats for failure to comply. ( United States ).
France — Muslim 8%
Philippines — Muslim 5%
Sweden — Muslim 5%
Switzerland — Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands — Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad &Tobago — Muslim 5.8%
At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world, and with an alarming growing population of Muslims in almost every country in the world, they may just do that.”
This video does an even better job of explaining the correlation between the percentage of Muslim communities in a country verses the increase in violence and civil unrest.

As with the U.S., Mexico is also a country with a growing Muslim population. Reported at around 1% in 2008, that number is surely on the rise. It has also been reported that Hezbollah has begun working with Mexican Drug Cartels to assist in constructing; tunnels, gun running networks, roadside bombs, and methods to extend their terrorist network.

Canada also has large problems with the infiltration of Sharia Law. The public school of Valley Park Middle School in Toronto now conducts prayers before lunch every Friday in the cafeteria in accordance with Sharia Law. This means that during prayers there are 3 rows of middle school children. The front row is the boys, the second row is the girls, and the third row is girls who are currently menstruating. Needless to say, this age can be an embarrassing time for your girls and being publicly divided for this reason alone can have a devastating effect on any young girl.

The population of Muslims in the U.S. is estimated at 2.8 million according the findings of a Pew report from 2010. Pew also states that by 2030 the Muslim population in the U.S. could reach 6.2 million (over 25% of U.S. population). As a result, the use of Sharia Law has already begun to show up in U.S. courtrooms in 17 court cases across 11 states. One example is the “cultural defense” of a New Jersey man from Morocco which had sex with his wife repeatedly against her will. The Defendant described his reasons why this was not a crime.
“This is according to our religion. You are my wife, I c[an] do anything to you. The woman, she should submit and do anything I ask her to do.
For any other American or foreign citizen, this would be a crime of rape. However, because women are seen much like property according to Sharia Law, this hanus act is not even considered a misdemeanor. For a religion that claims to be one of love and peace, it is acts like this that express neither. In fact, Muslim women in the U.S. began by calling for the federal government to help end gender segregation.

Despite the cries for individual freedom by Muslims living in the U.S., our own Voice of America assists in candy-coating terror-supported Muslim groups like the Muslim Public Service Network (MPSN) and the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). In addition, President Obama’s attempts, either through ignorance or arrogance, to give legitimacy and acceptance to the beliefs of the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama has done more damage in our fight against terrorism than anyone may truly realize. In fact, it is President Obama which has been assisting the Brotherhood in repackaging themselves for a kinder, gentler American and world public. Part of their repackaging is their new party name, the Peace & Justice Party.” I must confess, at first I thought this was a new Progressive organization, in some ways I was right.

Sharia Law and Jihad

Financial: One of the least known and least visible ways in which Sharia Law is infiltrating the U.S. is through Sharia Compliant Finance (SCF). What is “Sharia-compliant Finance?” Sharia-compliant finance works to institutionalize and legitimize Sharia Law, which Sharia Finance Watch describes as “a theo-political-legal doctrine violently opposed to Western values. ” Muslims are religiously ‘urged’ to invest in “purified” funds, institutions or charities. These would be charities or investments that have been used to help spread Sharia Law, Jihad, and terrorism. A few examples of this practice were 3 of the largest Sharia-compliant charities in the U.S., The Holy Land Foundation, Benevolence International Foundation, and the Global Relief Foundation. The government later shut these charities down after it was proven they helped fund terrorist organizations like Hamas. There is more here on Sharia-compliant finance. Sharia Finance Watch explains:
“Promoting Shariah encapsulates Muslim communities from mainstream society and even creates enclaves controlled by Shariah. Shariah-compliant finance plays a particular role in this because, a devout Muslim living in a Western country in which there are no Shariah-compliant banks are allowed to use conventional “infidel” institutions under the Sharia doctrine of “extreme necessity.”
However, once Shariah-compliant institutions do exist, they are religiously obligated to patronize them exclusively. Thus, by allowing the spread of Shariah finance in the West and the US, we are pushing Muslims toward Shariah.”
This can also be explained by an interview between Rep. Sue Mrick and Marshall Sana, Director of Communications for the Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity:

It is worth asking the question, if an American bank, business, or charity was caught laundering money, willfully funding an organization that promoted and practiced violence, for example let’s just say “The Mob, ” what would the government or law enforcement officials do about it? They would prosecute them of course.

Now extend that layer by saying this “Mob” also used those funds to perform violent acts here or in other countries, to the extent of abuse, mutilations, murder, mass destruction, and even terrorism. Would the government prosecute “the Mob?” Wouldn’t the government also prosecute the willful investors of a mob? Of course they would. We have a history of prosecuting criminal enterprises and those who fund them. These Sharia-compliant banks, charities, and other entities are no different.

Educational: Another method in which Sharia Law is being spread throughout the U.S. is in our schools, from elementary to college & university campuses. One such example in the U.S. is with the school children at the Mansfield Independent School District in Texas. WTAA in Dallas reported that the school district planned on incorporating a new class on the Arabic language and culture, all to the total surprise of the children’s own parents. It was planned to be a “mandatory” class due to a grant from the Foreign Language Assistance Program (FLAP) from the Department of Education. This may seem like a benign example but without parents’ active and guarded involvement in their child’s education, the result can develop into a situation like the Valley Park Middle School in Toronto, Canada. As David Horowitz has said, “I am skeptical about the district’s claim that the courses will be, or remain, about language and culture, and not about the Islamic religion. In Islam one cannot separate culture from religion.”

The Department of Education has been doing its own part in spreading Islamic culture, and in turn Sharia Law. This is also most certainly true in our nation’s colleges and universities. Here is a list of student organizations teaching Sharia Law in the U.S. along with some of their low points:
During a speech for “Israel Apartheid Week” hosted by the Young Americans for Freedom at the University of California San Diego, David Horowitz was asked a question by a student to explain the connection between MSA and Jihad terrorist networks. After the student’s pitch for “Hitler Youth Week ” hosted by MSA, the rest you need to hear for yourself.

It is worth noting that the organizations listed here are only a few. There are many, many other Muslim groups and organizations worldwide that work to promote Sharia Law, Jihad in the Islamic religion, and death to anyone who does not share their beliefs.

Cultural: As referenced earlier, many Muslim communities or neighborhoods are urged not to integrate with other citizens of a country with which they live. This is advised in every aspect of life, from finance to education to culture. Nothing is more prominent of this than the bright yellow signs showing up in some communities in the UK which read “You are entering a Sharia-controlled zone – Islamic rules enforced. Just the mere posting of these signs shows their complete disregard and lack of respect for governing laws in the country in which some of these “ghettos” have settled. However, this is very apparent in the U.S. Arab community of Dearborn, Michigan, where in their “No-Go Zone” they hold their annual “Arab Festival.”

First, in 2009 a small group of Christians started out by asking questions about a Muslim brochure from one of their festival’s booths at another booth with a sign that read, “Islam: Got Questions? Get Answers.” As you can see from their video, the reaction from security and even the police did not go over too well. In fact, the police of Dearborn pressed charges which were not substantiated by the video the group’s cameras caught. Needless to say, the Constitutional rights of Free Speech were violated in this incident and have continued by one degree or another in this community since this event.

Another example is the story of Kenneth Gamble in Philadelphia who has received $1.6 million in U.S. tax-payer funded grants for his charity Universal Company. Gamble’s stated goal was to clean up a dilapidated section of Philly, but local residents say that the $1.6 million has been used to build a Muslim ghetto. This is further supported by Gamble’s own statement, We are not here for Universal, we are here for Islam. Even the website ‘Muslims Against Sharia’ has spoken out against Kenneth Gamble.
Violent: Violence is the final form of Jihad to take place in a country once the terror-supporting Muslim populations have been built up enough. As stated in an article titled “Muslim Brotherhood Declares War on America; Will America Notice?” – “there is a far bigger and wider battle going on in which revolutionary Islamists seek to overthrow their own rulers and wage long-term, full-scale struggle against the West. If it doesn’t involve violence right now it will when they get strong enough or gain power.” Despite their belief of Jihad against the West, President Obama still thinks his kind words will help create peace with the Muslim Brotherhood. However, the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qeada are two sides of the same sword. Where Al Qeada wishes for an “armed struggle” to conquer the U.S., the Muslim Brotherhood has a more long term calculated approach through cultural infiltration, indoctrination, mass media, and eventually governmental acceptance….with the final goal being the U.S. as an Islamic State. Muslims are not in the habit of being open to other religions of any kind. A current and recent example of the wraith of violent Jihad is being felt by Coptic Christians in Egypt. Many Copts have been the target of devastating Jihad by Muslim groups in the fall of the Mubarak Administration, even though there are religious freedom rights found in Egypt’s constitution.

As Frontpage Magazine described on Feb. 1, 2011, “..if the Muslim Brotherhood takes power in Egypt, the treatment of the Copts is likely only to get worse.”

On Oct. 6, 2010, the Middle East Media Research Institute posted excerpts from a sermon entitle “How Islam Confronts the Oppression and Tyranny [against the Muslims],” by the Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide Muhammad Badi. This portion of the sermon was posted on the Muslim Brotherhood’s official website:
“Today the Muslims desperately need a mentality of honor and means of power [that will enable them] to confront global Zionism. [This movement] knows nothing but the language of force, so [the Muslims] must meet iron with iron, and winds with [even more powerful] storms. They crucially need to understand that the improvement and change that the [Muslim] nation seeks can only be attained through jihad and sacrifice and by raising a jihadi generation that pursues death just as the enemies pursue life.”
Violent Jihad is essential to Islam. These Jihadi groups target and manipulate students in much the same way some cults do, by focusing on the introvertive, those suffering from social difficulties, and those very devoted to Islam. Nani Afrida from the Jakarta Post on May 11, 2011 reports:
“..the violent jihadist movement has also infiltrated secular universities, including the secular University of Indonesia (UI) where members of Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid (JAT), a hard-line organization founded by alleged terrorist mastermind Abu Bakar Ba’asyir, may have gained ground.
UI spokesman Vishnu Juwono believes the group will attempt to penetrate the university, given the fact it was the biggest campus in Indonesia and the birthplace of many national leaders.
“We know about their efforts, especially during the intake of new students. We know they want to indoctrinate our students with their jihadist agenda, but we are confident it will be difficult for them to do this,” he said.
UI has been presenting information to new students on extreme ideologies, Vishnu said.”
One example of this indoctrination toward violent Jihad being carried out in the U.S. is in the Muslim Student Association’s own pledge, Jihad in my spirit…and I will die to establish Islam. This kind of indoctrination has also been spread to younger ages through the form of animated cartoons. Today’s indoctrinated children and young adults are tomorrow’s Jihadi generation.”

Throughout history violent Jihad has had only two results, slavery or death to the non-Muslim and Muslim’s that do not support Islamic Law. More recently, violent Jihad has done as much to kill Muslims as non-Muslims. For example, as Islamic Watch reports on March 25, 2011:
“Muslims comprised 85% of al-Qaeda’s victims from 2004 to 2008, numerous innocent Muslims like Hamdani died on 9/11, and the March 10 testimony of Abdirizak Bihi, whose nephew had been radicalized in the U.S. and killed while on Jihad in Somalia, illuminated yet another path by which Islamism snuffs out the lives of Muslims.”
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, with 80% of U.S. mosques promoting violent Jihad with many of the texts and speeches by visiting imams, what other result can we expect?

Muslims Without Sharia

In spite of the wake of Jihad and death in the Islamic ideology, there appears to be a small but growing number of Muslims who, through the freedom and openness of the U.S., are making their voices heard. One such group is called Muslims Against Sharia. The President, Khalim Massoud, of this reform movement told Frontpage Magazine on Nov. 13, 2007 about their mission:
“Our organization is created to give voice to moderate Muslims who are virtually ignored by governments and media and to expose the radicals masquerading as moderates. Our goals are:
  • to educate Muslims about dangers presented by Islamic religious texts and why Islam must be reformed.
  • to educate non-Muslims about the differences between moderate Muslims and Islamists (a.k.a. Islamic Religious Fanatics, Radical Muslims, Muslim Fundamentalists, Islamic Extremists or Islamofascists).
  • to educate both Muslims and non-Muslims alike that Moderate Muslims are also targets of Islamic Terror.”
Massoud went on to say:
“Most of American mosques are financed and run by Wahhabis. Wahhabi imams are anything but moderate, hence most of religious leaders are radicals. So-called “civil rights” groups, i.e., CAIR, MPAC, ICNA, MAS, etc. that comprise Muslim establishment are nothing more than offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood and fronts for Hamas and Al-Qaeda. They are very well financed and are extremely skilful manipulators of the media. And most of the people in government and media truly believe that those groups are moderate, because they are either too lazy to do research or they choose to ignore terrorist ties.
As a result, when either the government or the media needs an Islamic point of view, Muslim establishment groups are go-to “experts” by default. With the “expert” seat being filled, moderate Muslims are left out.
Another problem with moderate Muslims is they are scared and not organized. They are scared because they cannot speak up in mosques for fear of being kicked out and there are virtually no organizations that represent their views. They are not organized, because, unlike the radical, they do not receive tens of millions of dollars in financial support, therefore they have to work for a living.”
On Oct. 29, 2007 Lores Rizkalla Show did an interview with a man from the Islam reform movement, Muslims Against Sharia. Here is that interview:

Since 2007 there has been a rise in Muslim reform groups and those who have left Islam, speaking out against some of the wicked and violent practices of Islam and Sharia Law. Some of those groups are Muslim Republicans, Apostates of Islam, and the Faith Freedom International launched by Ali Sina. Thanks to the Internet as well, there has also been a rise in blogs and websites voicing their opposition against Sharia Law, terrorist-linked Muslim groups, and the barbaric and controlling practices within Islam. Here are just a few great websites to learn more about this ideological threat to freedom in the U.S. and around the world:
Some in the Jewish communities have also seen hope in the melting pot of America, as described by the Institute for Global Jewish Affairs in an article titled “American Muslims: The Community and Their Relations with Jews” on Jan. 16, 2011:
“Since America’s Muslim citizens offer more hope for peaceful coexistence than any other Muslim community in the West, dialogue with Jews is bound to hold promise. The local level is the most encouraging, as common civic issues are easier to unify around. The broad strategic national endeavors will prove harder to maintain, so long as the mainstream Muslim groups are tarnished with extremist affinities and the issue of Israel divides the sides. Muslims will continue to interact with Jews in business and community settings, as the openness of America and non-ghettoized residences of the two peoples will naturally encourage such encounters. One hopes that these normalized encounters will erase stereotypes and lead to other positive developments.”

Holding the Line

On September 11th, 2001 it became clear that our nation’s enemy was Islamic extremists as they sent a clear message to every American thatthey are at war with us and they wish us all dead,’ PERIOD. Where is that clarity now?

In order to maintain, and strengthen, our Constitutional United States, we must recognize that the threat by Islamic extremists is real and that they operate in many ways both subtle and direct. We are a nation that believes so strongly in an individual’s right to live free and unencumbered by government that we made it our most precious set of rights to every citizen. In that arena we have the right, and the responsibility, to question everything. Why is it so hard then to recognize that an ideology that believes in absolute control over the individual is an enemy ideology?

We have seen this throughout history in Communism, Nazism, Fascism, and others. We have also seen hate crimes that assault and murder those who are different. We have recognized this extreme level of hate so much so that we have provided those crimes special status and punishment for the abuse and killing by those who hate blacks, Jews, Gays, and others. So why can’t we realize that when an ideology designates every religious believer but its own as a viable target for murder, this is also a hate crime?

We do not accept a hate crime ideology from racists like the KKK as our nationally accepted norm, so why are we accepting it with the hateful text of the religious-social-economic-political ideology of Islam with Sharia Law?

Many of the Muslim groups in the U.S. which promote violence and support terror groups believe they have traction by playing themselves as ‘the victim’, and the Media and the government are all to happy to accept this rhetoric. However, statistics do not lie. The FBI has been tracking hate crime victims for many years.

Here are some of the statistics for ‘offender bias’ for the last decade including 2001, the same year of the attacks against NYC and D.C. by Islamic terrorists:

For 2009 – Of the 1,575 victims of an anti-religious hate crime:
  • 71.9 percent were victims because of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias.
  • 8.4 percent were victims because of an anti-Islamic bias.
For 2008 – Of the 1,732 victims of anti-religious hate crimes:
  • 66.1 percent were targeted because of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias.
  • 7.5 percent were victims because of an anti-Islamic bias.
For 2007 – Of the 1,628 victims of an anti-religious hate crime:
  • 69.2 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias.
  • 8.7 percent were victims of an anti-Islamic bias.
For 2006 – Of the 1,750 victims of an anti-religion hate crime:
  • 65.4 percent were victims of an offender’s anti-Jewish bias.
  • 11.9 percent were victims of an anti-Islamic bias.
For 2005 – Of the 1,405 victims of an anti-religion hate crime:
  • 69.5 percent were victims of an anti-Jewish bias.
  • 10.7 percent were victims of an anti-Islamic bias.
For 2004 – Of the 1,480 reported offenses within single-bias incidents that were motivated by the offender’s religious bias:
  • 67.8 percent were anti-Jewish.
  • 13.0 percent were anti-Islamic.
For 2003 (PDF) – Of the 1,489 victims of an anti-religion hate crime:
  • 68.8 percent were victims of an anti-Jewish bias.
  • 11.4 percent were victims of an anti-Islamic bias.
For 2002 (PDF) – Of the 1,659 victims of an anti-religion hate crime:
  • 65.3 percent were victims of an anti-Jewish bias.
  • 10.5 percent were victims of an anti-Islamic bias.
For 2001 (PDF) (the same year of the WTC and Pentagon attacks) – Of the 2,118 victims of an anti-religion hate crime:
  • 56.4 percent were victims of an anti-Jewish bias.
  • 26.1 percent were victims of an anti-Islamic bias.
Though hate crime against any religion is despicable and should not be tolerated, the so-called rising wave of anti-Muslim hate crimes just isn’t supported by the facts. In fact, if any religious group needs our most support against hate crimes, it is the Jewish religion with the out of control numbers of offenders against them.
The Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) would rather you ignore this data and focus only on their misrepresentation of the facts as reported in an article by Ryan Mauro of Frontpage Magazine, Aug. 24, 2010:
“As Daniel Pipes has documented for years, Islamist organizations in the West are quick to label crimes as anti-Muslim hate crimes as part of their effort to make Muslims feel under attack and to paint themselves as Muslims’ protectors. For example, immediately following the Fort Hood shooting, CAIR asked Muslims to respond by donating to it. “We need financial help to meet these crises and push back against those who seek to score political points off the Muslim community in the wake of the Fort Hood tragedy,” the fundraising pitch read. To no one’s surprise, an anti-Muslim backlash did not ensue.”
So what is to be done against such an effective religious propaganda movement whose work is to misrepresent their extreme ideology in the U.S., while intimidating members of their own religion into fear and silence? What has America done in the past when a people have suffered from totalitarian control? We have educated ourselves and worked to support those who wish to be free and remain free. We have done this in an endless list of foreign countries, so why not in our own country?

Many states have begun to recognize this indoctrinated threat. As some Muslim groups have worked toward getting Sharia Law approved and practiced in some of our own civil courts, some state legislators have written bills to help keep our civil courts practicing only our elected laws void of any foreign or religious ones.

The initial bill presented to the Oklahoma Congress designated Sharia Law by name. Because of the specific language, the bill was deemed unconstitutional and did not pass. However, when the language of the bill was altered to address the integrity of our civil courts’ jurisprudence in oppose to enforcing ‘any’ religious doctrine, the bill was then passed. The Colorado Springs Gazette put it this way:
“The key to preventing the insidious infiltration of Sharia (or any other) religious practice into our system of laws is to address the issue without reference to religion at all. We can separate the religious practice of Sharia from the legal obligations of Sharia by prohibiting the latter from being acknowledged by our legal system. We can do so not by referencing religion, but by making it explicit that the only “laws” that are enforceable in the United States are laws passed by our elected representatives.”
They went on to say:
“I think it’s important for every state to place on their books a statement to the effect that our courts, at all levels, shall only enforce the provisions of the duly enacted civil and criminal laws of this nation and not any form of religious practice or belief. One would think that this principle is manifest in the Establishment Clause, but evidently not.”
The U.S. has its own groups of religious communities that live peacefully amongst themselves. Some examples of them are, the Amish, the Mennonites, or the Hutterites. The difference between these groups and some Muslim communities is they respect the civil laws of the U.S. and do not work to circumvent them or ignore them all together. I think Ali Sina explains this concept very well in an article named “Why Attack Islam?“:
“I am attacking the Islam of Muhammad – the only real Islam. I don’t know your neighbors and I am not interested in how they interpret their religion. Faith is personal. I am not attacking their faith. I am attacking a religion that is violent and evil. If their Islam is not like that they don’t have to fear me.
Now this is really a no brainer. Yet, I hear it all the time. So let me give you one example that any child can understand. Let us say there is a dog in the neighborhood with rabies that is running around biting everyone.  I grab my gun and go after him. Someone stops me and says my dog is docile and friendly. That bad dog is not my dog.  I say, fine, then there is no reason to worry. I love friendly dogs. Now let go of my collar so I can deal with this dangerous animal.  Then this person starts attacking me and says I must not harm his dog.  Doesn’t that prove that his “friendly dog” and that vicious dog are one and the same?”
You can learn alot about a religion by the actions of its followers. For example, good Christians as a whole do acts of kindness and appear to have peace in their hearts. Countries that have a heavy Christian population have a citizenry that reflect these actions. The same is not true for Islam. A good Muslim is considered one who obeys Sharia Law, the Koran, and the Hadith. Practices strictly followed by this ideology can include; wife beating, polygamy and pedophilia, child brides, female circumcision, death to those who do not convert to Islam, and execution of Muslims who refuse Sharia Law. The Islamic ideology is so enraged with hatred that even the slightest challenge of their beliefs brings panic and outrage to anyone who dares to question, be it Muslim or non-Muslim. Why?

Ali Sina wrote in an article on May 23, 2006 called “Defeating Islam.
“Muslims know that Islam will fall if exposed. On a subconscious level Muslims know that Islam is a lie and that it cannot be defended logically. That is why when you criticize Islam they panic. You can criticize all other religions, but all you can do is destroy their superstitions and fallacies. The foundation of these religions remains intact. As a matter of fact these religions have benefited immensely from criticism and thanks to that they were forced to give up most of their absurd tenets. They have adapted to the changing world. The evil practices of Sati in Hinduism, stoning in Judaism and inquisition in Christianity are things of the past.
But you can’t criticize Islam. If you tamper with the sands beneath it, the whole edifice will fall. Muslims know that. They know that Islam can’t take criticism and that it is very fragile. That is why they are so protective of it. That is why they become hysteric when a few cartoons are drawn depicting Muhammad. That is why they killed Theo Van Gogh and threaten to kill anyone who attempts to remove those sands of lies on which Islam stands.”
The belief and practice of hatred and violence, as well as the absolute control over its followers is much like Communism, Nazism, or even a cult, therefore defending against this belief and practice may be much the same. One such program reported by Creeping Sharia on Aug. 2, 2011 involved the St.Paul, MN. Police Department’s outreach program to help counter the Islamic radicalization of Somali-American youth. The program consisted of regular meetings with elders and Police Chief Thomas Smith.
“”We strongly believe that by creating these safe, diverse and ongoing opportunities for Somali-American youth and the police to interact, that trust, cooperation, friendship and mentorship will increase, and opportunities for al-Shabaab to recruit and radicalize our youth will decrease,” Smith said in remarks prepared for a U.S. House Homeland Security Committee hearing in Washington.”
Despite the success of this particular program, there are others involving the Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, and other terrorist-linked groups who are coopting the challenges of the deradicalization movement. The lesson here is that deradicalization groups can work, but we need to be careful of the ones we support.

Whatever your opinion of the religion of Islam, there is a wildly popular violent streak with the practice of Sharia Law that is gaining strength in countries around the world, including the U.S. The result is indoctrination, grizzly, violent practices, terrorism, and death, despite the sugar-coating of peace and love. If a man has peace and love in his heart but cuts off your head anyway, is he somehow not evil? For most faiths and those with common sense, that answer is clear. It is only some Muslims who struggle with that question.

Americans are understandably apprehensive of Muslims as a whole. After an event like 9/11 wouldn’t any other country’s citizens feel the same? Holding back the wave of radicalization and indoctrination with Sharia Law will take more active involvement in our communities, much like the new national awareness of our government’s increase in control and corruption. It is going to take a group effort by Muslims and non-Muslims. First, it will require “actual,” peaceful practicing Muslims who are not complacent with terrorist groups, or those supporting them, to take a greater stand.

It will also take non-Muslims doing the hard work of learning about the groups that are active in our communities and the ones active in our child’s lives. America’s greatest purpose has always been in protecting others from evil when we can, regardless of religious belief. We have done this in other countries, so why not in our own backyard? There is so much complacency out there, from even our own government and our military, that like the fight against huge government spending and corruption, it has fallen on the American people to push to make it right and protect our freedom. This means making our voices heard, protecting the U.S. Constitutionally-supported court system, exposing anything and everyone linked to terror groups (Muslim or not), and most of all not being afraid to call evil by its name.

If any Muslim seeks real peace and individual freedom in the U.S., they can find it here more than any other country. However, if they seek violence we have laws to address that behavior. Our nation’s history of battling challenging ideologies has proven this, but it is not a quick or easy road. It will take time and hard work from all those truly wanting peace AND individual freedom. If Islam truly has a practice that is outside the violence and control of Sharia Law, I would happily support the rights for those who practice that belief, as I would the freedom for any other religion. Though I have found little separation between Islam and Sharia Law, if there is any country that can help nurture a peaceful reform movement for Islam it will be America.

Big Peace