Florida Family Association reports a discouraging development in its request to re-open the investigation of the death of Fatima Abdallah, the Palestinian woman who died under very suspicious circumstances in Tampa in August of 2009.
Prior articles related to this case can be accessed here and here.
David Caton, Executive Director of Florida Family Association, hired a private investigator to review the police and medical examiners reports surrounding her death, in which Dr. Laura Hair of the Hillsborough County Medical Examiner’s Office determined that the “Deceased fell and struck her head.”
The private investigator obtained and reviewed volumes of evidence; the police report, crime scene investigators reports, photographs of the deceased showing that this woman had undergone a brutal and deadly beating, along with the medical examiner’s autopsy report. It is incomprehensible that this woman died as the Medical Examiner stated. Was this an “honor killing” that is being covered up by the Tampa Police Department and Hillsborough County Medical Examiner? It is chilling to think that this poor woman was brutally murdered in her Tampa home, and our local officials and the media are not acknowledging that such a horrific crime, sanctioned by Islamic Shari’ah, may have been committed, out of fear of Muslim reprisal.
This case has received national attention, with Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs and Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch coming to Tampa to hold a rally to demand that Fatima’s death be investigated. The local news organizations refused to cover the rally.
The Florida Medical Examiner Commission had agreed to review the Hillsborough County Medical Examiner’s autopsy and report. The Florida Medical Examiners Commission responded with a letter which states “The Medical Examiners Commission does not have the statutory authority to compel the District Medical Examiner to change the manner of death.” Click here to read the complete Florida Medical Examiners Commission letter. According to David Caton, the Commission subsequently clarified “The phrase not legally sufficient simply means that Dr. Hair adhered to all of the requirements in Rule 11G, Chapter 406, F.S., and the Practice Guidelines, and that there is no legal basis for any disciplinary action. It is not meant to be a reflection on the complaint itself.”
David Caton has reported that a Tampa Police Department Crime Scene Technician was so concerned about Muslim reprisal that she requested he have the private investigator remove her name from his reports.
Undaunted, and determined to reveal the truth surrounding Fatima’s death, David Caton is engaging the public in a campaign to request that Pam Bondi, Florida’s Attorney General, look into this case.
Florida Family Association sent this letter asking Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi to investigate the mishandling of this death investigation by the Tampa Police Department and the Hillsborough County Medical Examiner.
They have prepared an email for anyone who is concerned about this case to send to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi asking her to investigate this case. Your email is very important in helping her to know how crucial this public safety issue is to us all.
To send your email, please click the following link, enter your name and email address then click the “Send Your Message” button. You may change the wording in the subject line or message.
Please click here to send your email to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi and her Chief of Staff Carlos Muniz.
Please forward this article to family and friends who you know would be interested in this issue.
Big Peace