Thursday, December 20, 2012

Paging, Piers Morgan: Gun Violence Explodes In England

20 Dec 2012

 Paging, Piers Morgan... Piers Morgan to the white courtesy phone....
Gun crime has almost doubled since Labour came to power as a culture of extreme gang violence has taken hold.
The latest Government figures show that the total number of firearm offences in England and Wales has increased from 5,209 in 1998/99 to 9,865 last year - a rise of 89 per cent.
In some parts of the country, the number of offences has increased more than five-fold.
In eighteen police areas, gun crime at least doubled.
The statistic will fuel fears that the police are struggling to contain gang-related violence, in which the carrying of a firearm has become increasingly common place.
Last week, police in London revealed they had begun carrying out armed patrols on some streets.
The move means officers armed with sub-machine guns are engaged in routine policing for the first time.
Shadow Home Secretary, Chris Grayling, said last night: 'In areas dominated by gang culture, we're now seeing guns used to settle scores between rivals as well as turf wars between rival drug dealers.
Piers Morgan can't stop talking about how England's extreme gun control laws make his case for what we should in America, except, uhm... you know, the facts.

What's happening in our media now is not about stopping mass-shootings or protecting children. It's about gun control and winning a political debate against the Right.

To the media ad Democrats, it simply doesn't mater that gun control isn't working in England or Chicago or anywhere else. And it sure doesn't matter if gun control might be emboldening criminals to commit gun crime because they know the public isn't armed.

All that matters is defeating the NRA and handing Obama another win.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC 

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