Sarah Palin’s University of Denver Speech – Palin, Prager, and Hewitt Panel Discussion added
May 23rd, 2010
Sarah Palin gave a great speech tonight, focusing on the topics of what she would say to President Obama if she were given the chance. She focused on an array of issues, including immigration and health care, also paying homage to Ronald Wilson Reagan as her hero. I must say that I think this is one of my favorite speeches by her. She also coined a new phrase tonight: “I can see November from my house!”
Also note that I will be posting the panel with Palin, Prager, and Hewitt that came directly after her speech. Please check back for that later.
Watch below:
UPDATE: Sarah Palin took part in a panel discussion right after her speech. It’s a good opportunity to see Sarah, as well as Hew Hewitt and Dennis Prager taking a few questions in a not so formal manner.