Any movement that can bring from 300 - 500 thousand men, women and children to Washington is a significant one - an American one.That was as true on August 28th, 1963, as it was today, even if it took time for all of America to interpret Martin Luther King, Jr's Dream.
But despite being American, today's left can't access the dreams of the majority of Americans. The news and events of the past year have identified them as the out of touch minority most of us always knew they were. They haven't gotten near as much as they wanted to from Obama. Yet, America is already rejecting him for whatever amount he gave them at all.
Think Progress attempts to sterilize today of any emotion. No surprise, it is always and only about politics to the Left, even when they are winning: Political Rally Or Not? We Report, You Decide.
Crooks and Liars pretends to sleep through it. But I gather they're too frightened for much sleep, otherwise, they wouldn't attempt to cover themselves with the race card: Snoring Honor: Beck's big rally just a long-winded and boring sermon. And boy, was the crowd white.
Bob Herbert at the New York Times is mortified that the dream King offered to all of America might slip a blacks and progressives only grasp that has turned it more into a nightmare, than a dream. He doesn't want it to actually become America's dream, as King intended. It does too much to empower Herbert's politics for him to want that. Today, Herbert's dream, stolen from King, has nothing to do with equality. It's been twisted into a superficial and often ugly means of gaining and holding onto political power.
Hundreds of thousands of people in DC and no doubt more all across America were better than Bob Herbert today, though he'll never admit it. Who, really, is the ignorant, divisive, pathetic figure here? It's a rhetorical question, one with a rather obvious answer given the disparity in tone between Herbert and Beck and Palin. And I'm not even a big fan of Beck's.
America is better than Glenn Beck. For all of his celebrity, Mr. Beck is an ignorant, divisive, pathetic figure.
Talking Points Memo scrambles for whatever angle it can come up with to diminish the event, humor, accusation, division, the usual tactics. But that's all they are and there's barely any emotion or energy in them, as is the case across nearly all of the Left today.
They don't have a ticket to the party and, by and large, when it comes to the type of vision for America Restoring Honor represented today, they are politically and emotionally bankrupt. They can't afford a ticket and wouldn't buy one, even if they could. They invested all their capital in 2006 and 2008 with Obama.
Now, a year and a half into Obama's term, four years after taking the House, it is looking very much like a losing bet. And the party that is America at its best is moving ... and moving on without them.
Man, it must suck to be them and miss such a wonderful show. But that's entertainment!
Riehl World View