Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Sarah Palin: The Winning Force
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
The continued attacks against Sarah Palin by the Liberal Media and other Liberal Worshipers aren’t working. They try to discredit her every move, but time and time again they’re being deceived and defeated by her vigorous charisma and unfaltering support. Every bite inflicted onto the former Alaska Governor only makes her stronger, and garners her more support from everyday Americans.
Most Americans had absolutely no idea who Sarah Palin was when she was announced by Senator John McCain (R-AZ) as his vice presidential running mate during the 2008 presidential election. Even then the rough and biased attacks began to be thrown at her from every major “news organization” and Obama Worshiper all across America. They were attacking her so-called lack of experience, knowledge of the issues, calling her names and attacking her family. Their only mission was to destroy her before the entire country and make her out to be someone she wasn’t. As we can see now, their mission has severely failed.
The 2008 presidential election has been done for almost two years now, and the constant attacks against Sarah Palin have failed miserably. She’s currently the endorsement candidates across America are seeking, and her approval rating among Republicans has skyrocketed – it is 76% according to a Gallup Poll conducted on July 16. Among all Americans, on the same Poll, it stands at 44%. In my opinion, I believe Palin’s favorable ratings among Republicans and all Americans will strengthen as time goes by. It has no reason not to.
Her image is improving and more people are finally seeing that she is on our side, she is just like the rest of us: a real American that sees the real problems Americans are currently facing. Sarah Palin understands that we need real Conservatives to stand up and work on the side of the people, and not for their own special interests like the Democrats are doing in Congress, the White House, and in states throughout America. People can plainly see that she’s the real deal, and that she is a vigilant fighter. The former Alaska Governor is fighting alongside the common people, the people who are fighting to bring America back on track towards the values our Founding Fathers envisioned for us all over two-hundred years ago.
Sarah Palin isn’t going away. She has been giving her endorsement to Conservative candidates across America, and most of them have gone to win their respective primaries. She has been speaking out against the Socialistic Leadership coming from the Democrats in Congress and the White House, and across this great country. She understands that the American people deserve better, and she is more than willing to fight whoever and whatever she has to in order to bring about the real change we all deserve and desperately need during this time of hardship. Sarah Palin is not only working with us, she is working for us.
The Liberal Media and Obama Worshipers have failed, their mission has been thwarted. Sarah Palin has risen above the fray and is stampeding towards victory for America in November. She is also the only prospective 2012 presidential candidate that is standing up for America and her people, and standing up to the Socialistic policies coming from Congress and the White House. She is the only one who is taking America’s current condition seriously, and she is consistently Conservative and doesn’t run away from a fight. Sarah Palin is the force America is watching. She is the force that will bring America back up again.
Right News Channel