Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque Imam and Notorious Slumlord Rauf's Slum Building Goes into Receivership

Feisal rauf qatar

Ground Zero radical Imam Feisal lost his slum buildings earlier today. Despite numerous citations for fire, building, and health code violation and reports of vermin and rat and roach infestations, the Imam left his tenants to live in abject squalor and filth.He claimed he didn't have money to hire an exterminator but he has the jiyza to build a 150 million ground zero triumphal mosque on hallowed ground? hmmmmm.

Ground Zero Mosque Imam/Slumlord Rauf's Armani Suits, Hot Rod Sportscars 
Out from under the rauf crawls rats and roaches ..... Worse still, Ground Zero Imam Rauf snagged more than $2 million in public financing to renovate low-income apartments. He took the money and forced good people to live with vermin and dilapidation.
Page after page of municipal health records examined by The Record show repeated complaints ranging from failure to pick up garbage, to rat and bedbug infestations and no heat and hot water.
And the State Department funds this radical's Middle East junkets while the World Econoic Forum and the Dutch goverment line his and Daisy Con's pockets as well. Daisy and Rauf got hugely valuable (and seemingly fraudulent) tax-exempt status for their "Muslim organization" after claiming as many as 500 of its members prayed daily in their small, one-bedroom Upper West Side apartment also listed as Daisy's residence You have to admit, these Islamic grifters know how to scam the kuffir system. And Rauf expects us (NYC) to float public debt -  70 million worth -  for his victory mosque at Ground Zero. It's no wonder they have such contempt for us.

Perhaps Rauf can reciprocate all of Mayor Gloomberg's many dinner invitations and have Mike down to his dumps for interfaith tea. Wouldn't it be loverley?
UNION CITY - After months of Union City vying for custodial receivership of Imam Feisal Rauf’s property on Central Avenue, Superior Court Judge Olivieri, in a teleconference Nov. 9 with Union City’s attorney and Rauf’s attorney, has granted receivership with “restrictions” to custodial receiver Raymond Bulin, according to Union City spokesman Mark Albiez.

Rauf is the Muslim cleric at the center of the controversy over the proposal to build an Islamic cultural center and mosque near the former World Trade Center site.

The teleconference was the next step after Olivieri received the city’s final inspection report Oct. 22 based upon a final inspection by the city Oct. 21 that revealed fire, building, and health code violations remained at 2206 Central Ave. In the report, the city again called for receivership on the basis of continued failure to remedy violations by the specified deadlines.

Bulin has not been granted full management of the building, but has been tasked with abating the remaining violations, such as uncapped sewer lines and bedbug infestation. A $7,000 check, money from October rent payments held in escrow from Rauf’s attorney, will pay for the repairs.

Atlas Shrugs