Tuesday, November 2, 2010

If You Can’t Beat Them, Silence Them: Left Blacklists Breitbart, ABC Caves


Posted by Lori Ziganto Nov 2nd 2010 at 4:27 am in ABC, Featured Story
The Left nauseatingly pays lip service to the terms “tolerance” and “diversity.” In reality, they are highly intolerant and they hate diversity, particularly diversity of thought. They hate free markets and really loathe free marketplaces of ideas. As such, the stompy foot temper tantrums were in full force when it was announced that Andrew Breitbart and Dana Loesch, would be participating in ABC’s election night coverage.

A coordinated effort between the usual suspects immediately, and predictably, sprung up. How dare ABC include people who won’t merely spout the Left’s talking points and somehow blame George W. Bush and people too stupid to understand the “nuance” of Democrats and their policies?  Oh, and racists, natch.blacklist_image
The first usual suspect to start shrieking in typical intolerant lefty fashion was the ever-inane Media Matters. Media Matters, an organization filled with tools so sanctimonious that they give themselves titles like “Senior Fellow.” Dude. You are a blogger. They, of course, offered only ad hominem attacks on Breitbart, like calling him a “propagandist.” Hello, pot! Meet kettle.  Cowardly ABC  immediately started to spin, by offering Media Matters this wuss statement:
ABC News’ David Ford told Media Matters: “He will be one of many voices on our air, including Bill Adair of Politifact. If Andrew Breitbart says something that is incorrect, we have other voices to call him on it.”
Because, of course, the liberally biased Politifact would be the one to go to if Andrew Breitbart did something pesky like, you know, tell the truth. The ever buffoonish Keith Olbermann weighed in as well and, having no actual argument, resorted to fart jokes. No, really. The Huffington Post joined the fray and soon thereafter ABC spinelessly caved and issued a statement walking back Andrew Breitbart’s participation on election night; a statement full of lies, even going so far as to claim that Andrew Breitbart was never meant to be part of that night’s broadcast coverage. Alas, email is a funny thing. The emails sent from ABC to Andrew Breitbart expose the truth. ABC executives, in an attempt to cover their own hides out of fear of the Left not only caved to the Left’s intimidation attempts, but also lied when they did so. A snippet:
This program will broadcast on the ABC Television Networkabcnews.comABC News Now, and ABC News Radio.
The show will be live on the web and ABC News Now as well as on the network from 4:00pm till 11:00pm MST.
We would love for you to be a part of our program, and please let us know what we can do to accommodate your needs.
I am booking the guests for the event and will be in Phoenix starting Thursday, October 28th.
Feel free to email me back or call me at the following number with any questions.
Thanks so much,
ABC News
Huh. That totally sounds like “part of ABC’s broadcast coverage,” doesn’t it? Especially where they say, you know, the show will broadcast on ABC. I’m no expert, nor even a fancy “senior fellow,” but it seems to me if something is broadcast on ABC, then it is “part of ABC’s broadcast coverage.”

This is why while I’d normally just point and snicker at their pitiful petulance, I’m not laughing now. It’s not so funny when intimidation tactics result in actual blacklisting. Which is happening; they are succeeding in their blacklisting attempts due to the utter lack of cojones of so-called media outlets like ABC News.

Juan Williams just lost his job at NPR due to blacklisting by the Left. The very same NPR, John Nolte points out, that still employs Nina Totenberg who once said that she hoped Jesse Helms or his grandchildren would get AIDS. The Left tried to stop CNN from hiring Erick Erickson. George Soros recently donated a million dollars to Media Matters with the sole purposes of trying to crush Fox News and silencing dissent (which is apparently no longer patriotic). Charles “Don’t Get Between Me and A Camera” Schumer once actually compared the need for the Fairness Doctrine with censoring pornography. Yes, Chucky, conservative thought is exactly the same as pornography. Except it is clearly more insidious and evil, of course.

Ironic that they espouse the need for a “Fairness” Doctrine. Of course, by fairness they actually mean shut up.  The real agenda of the Left is obvious to anyone with half a brain (this excludes anyone who voted for Obama, of course). There isn’t much of an audience for shrieking, angry bullies and cuckoo pants people with zero senses of humor, so let’s force the public to listen to them. And just in case some pesky old truth and honesty creeps in by way of conservative voices, we’ll just completely freeze them out and, for all intents and purposes, censor the citizenry’s news. It’s why they appointed a hater of conservative talk radio as FCC “Chief Diversity Officer”- Mark Lloyd, a former member of a group that epitomizes leftist asshattery, The Center For American Progress. If Obama wants to keep one promise and have The Most Transparent Administration Evah (and I don’t just mean transparent lies) he should change the word Czars to Comrades. 

I mean, someone in charge of  forcing “diversity” is actually the antithesis of diversity and “fairness” and open-mindedness. Especially when the “diversity” really means mandating lockstep, controllable narratives.

But, hey, they are only following in our own president’s footsteps, right?  Remember when he declared war on Fox News? Then, going all in on Chicago style politics, the Obama administration went so far as to try to ban Fox News from the White House Press Pool. If you can’t beat them, even with a super majority, silence them! And silence the one media outfit that actually has diversity of thought and doesn’t just carry water for the administration. They are your “enemies” anyway and all.

What’s the word for it? Oh, yeah, Chavez-y.  If it walks like a Marxist and censors like a Marxist? It’s a Marxist. Just sayin’.  (And now the Left just forced me to use the term “just sayin’” and I swore that I never would. For that, they must pay.) See, I refuse to mince words out of some silly fear of looking wingnutty; we are accused of that no matter what we say, anyway. It’s like how we are accused of being Racist ™ any time we merely disagree. Because, shut up. Or how conservative women are demeaned and sexualized as a way to scare them out of the public eye. It’s all to intimidate us from speaking. They are attempting to literally crush free speech and silence freedom of thought and ideas. What a Brave New World.

Only thing is, we are onto them now. It ain’t working. We will be silent no more nor will we allow others to be intimidated into silence. This is why we fight. And this is why we vote today.

P.S. Spineless media, how are those ratings looking for you? And lefties, How are those elections looking for y’all?

 Big Journalism