Saturday, June 18, 2011
The United States House of Representatives has 435 members, most of whom claim membership in the two major political parties as well as a handful or so that belong to splinter parties. Despite the philosophical differences between the two largest parties you would think that something that was assuredly good for the country as a whole would attract the support of a great majority of the entire 435 total membership.
But with this current perverse and contorted group of malcontents there is a standing rule of what is good is really bad and what is bad is really good; it all depends on who the proposer is. Thus if a measure is offered for legislation by a Republican, you can be certain that it will be rejected by the Democrats; the opposite generally always applies as well.
Though there are more RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) than DINOs. Because of this strictly political dichotomy many a worthy measure that would benefit the huge majority of Americans dies in committee or on a floor vote.
Such a conundrum of puzzlement currently exists with a proposed piece of legislation that is still boxed up in committee after two months of partisan bickering. This proposition is intended to give protection to every citizen of this country even if some do not have the stomach to approve legislation offered by the rival political party.
A (CAA) online report on June 12, 2011 stated that in March of this year of 2011, U.S. Rep. Sandy Adams (R-FL) introduced H.R. 973, which would prohibit foreign law from our U.S. Court system; protecting United States citizens, particularly women, from being tried under foreign law. The United States Constitution would be the sole governing authority for all American courts and American citizens. She has only 56 co-sponsors. Why aren’t more Congressmen, and women, committing to this very important bill?
Every man and woman in America should be behind Rep. Adams’ bill, especially women, who would suffer most if Shariah Law makes its horrifying way into our court system.
CAA gave the following as an example of why we need this protection against Shariah Law: “In late May, four Muslim men were tried in London, England and were found guilty of a vicious attack against a local schoolmaster named Gary Smith, who was the head of religious studies at the Central Foundation Girls’ School, an academically prestigious school for girls ages 11 to 18. Mr. Smith’s head was smashed by a concrete block; his face was slashed by a knife; and his body was beaten by a metal rod. THIS IS WHAT SHARIAH LAW TEACHES…AND IT IS ALREADY HERE INSIDE THE U.S.A.
“Under Shariah Law, just about any words which are not in total agreement with Islam can be interpreted as blasphemy, a crime punishable by death. Obviously, the four men on trial in London were just trying to do their part in making the United Kingdom become “Shariah compliant.”
Muslim leaders living in the United States are already preaching the benefits of Shariah Law as CAA explains: “Imam Feisal Rauf, the original promoter of the Ground Zero Mosque, is currently on a national speaking tour explaining how Shariah Law leads to freedom and telling audiences that America is a “Shariah compliant state.” Rauf’s speech about the freedoms promised by Shariah Law is a good illustration of the strategy of “taqiyya,” or LYING to further the spread of Islam. Shariah has already infiltrated some of our court systems right here in the United States of America. And we must STOP this onslaught!”
I couldn’t agree more with Conservative Action Alerts (CAA). Under the direction of our anti-American usurper president, B. Hussein Obama, the numbers of Islamic foreigners being admitted into our country have increased markedly over the past years. Trying to get an exact number online is hideously time consuming so I will not even hazard a guess; but I will say that I think it is growing each year.
With this growth comes the reality that those people have occupying tendencies and desires to seize and take over vast areas of any country into which they immigrate. They are “clannish” to a great degree, refusing to mingle, and co-exist under a common bond or even under our national laws. They are insistent that we, the people of America, must bow to their demands. They even insist on installing their own set of laws, called Shariah Law, wherever they settle.
If we don’t stop this taking over of our lands, we will soon be much worse off than we were after their attacks on 9/11/2001.
CAA continues its report with this on Great Britain, “Finally, after years of ‘taking it on the chin,’ the United Kingdom is also voting on a new Bill that was introduced in the House of Lords THIS WEEK—-to outlaw Shariah Law where it conflicts with English law!
“Baroness Cox stated: ‘Equality under the law is a core value of British justice. My Bill seeks to stop parallel legal or ‘quasi-legal’ systems taking root in our nation. Cases of criminal law and family law are matters reserved for our English courts alone.
“Through these proposals, I want to make it perfectly clear in the law that discrimination against women shall not be allowed within arbitration. I am deeply concerned about the treatment of Muslim women by Shariah Courts. We must do all that we can to make sure they are free from any coercion, intimidation or unfairness. Many women say, ‘We came to this country to escape these practices only to find the situation is worse here’.”
We must do the same here in the United States. They are not very gracious or thankful guests; their goals are to steal our land, force us to comply with their laws and then kill us if we don’t covert to Islam. Not my—and I hope not your kind of people.
Pressure your Congressmen and women to co-sponsor H. R. 973 until it grows from 56 supporters to 435 opposed to Shariah Law.
Canada Free Press