While President Obama, Senate Democrats and inside the beltway Republicans remain addicted to spending more money they do not have, a brave bloc of Congressional Members have stood up and said, “no”.
These 22 brave members of Congress bucked their party leadership and voted against Speaker Boehner’s debt ceiling bill. These lawmakers understand full well that they were elected to represent the American
People and to reject the Washington D.C. wheeling and dealing that got us in this mess in the first place.
According Politico the members, who voted no on the Boehner bill were:
Justin Amash (Mich.)
Michele Bachmann (Minn.)
Chip Cravaack (Minn.)
Jason Chaffetz (Utah)
Scott Desjarlais (Tenn.)
Tom Graves (Ga.)
Tim Huelskamp (Kans.)
Steve King (Iowa)
Tim Johnson (Ill.)
Tom McClintock (Calif.)
Mick Mulvaney (S.C.)
Ron Paul (Texas)
Connie Mack (Fla.)
Jim Jordan (Ohio)
Tim Scott (S.C.)
Paul Broun (Ga.)
Tom Latham (Iowa)
Jeff Duncan (S.C.)
Trey Gowdy (S.C.)
Steve Southerland (Fla.)
Joe Walsh (Ill.)
Joe Wilson (S.C.)
These members understand that giving this President another blank check for 2 trillion dollars will not solve our problems or put the nation back on track to fiscal responsibility. Both plans coming out of the House and Senate are full of accounting gimmicks and sleight of hand tactics that have been made famous by inside the beltway politicians in both parties over the years.
Many Americans know that it is hard to find lawmakers who will go to Washington D.C. and stand on the convictions that got them elected, let alone 22 of them and even in the wake of being called extremists and hostage takers for defending their convictions and what is right.
These lawmakers only ask that Speaker Boehner insist on some level of accountable in the form of a balance budget amendment, which the President, Senate Majority Leader along with Senate Democrats have vowed to veto an debt ceiling agreement that contains a balanced budget amendment because in the end they will be held accountable and forced to use real fiscal numbers in doling out federal government spending.
While the President and the band of Washington Insiders have tried to use fear mongering and scare tactics to silence all opposition to competing bad bills, it is nice to know that our House still does have 22 members, who have put the best interest of the nation over that of their party. These brave Men and Women should be viewed as heroes for standing against the tide of politics as usual in Washington D.C.
Big Government