Monday, September 26, 2011

Cop-Killer Troy Davis Got More Coverage Than Border Agent Brian Terry

September 26, 2011
M Catharine Evans

The mainstream media provided hour-to-hour details on the fate of an American cop-killer which led to "I am Troy Davis" t-shirt protests across the Atlantic, but has blacked out one of the worst government scandals in U.S. history involving dead Americans and Mexicans.

All major media outlets covered the execution of cop-killer Troy Davis last week. In unbelievable contrast, there has been little mention of the murder of innocent U.S Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry (see his memorial page here) whose murder has been tied to the ATF's Fast and Furious operation.

In 1991 Davis was tried and convicted of the 1989 killing of Mark MacPhail (see his memorial page here) an off-duty police officer outside a Burger King in Savannah, Georgia. After 22 years and countless local and federal delays Davis was put to death by lethal injection on September 21.

Unlike Davis, Agent Terry didn't have 22 years to fight for his life or get his affairs in order. Thanks to the Obama administration's deadly Fast and Furious program, no one knows what Terry's last words might have been. The agent's life was snuffed out in an instant by guns illegally trafficked through straw buyers in the U.S. to Mexican drug cartels.

Davis also garnered worldwide attention from Pope Benedict to Amnesty International whose representatives were interviewed on all major networks. Former President Jimmy Carter, Hollywood celebrities and anti-death penalty activists tweeted, emailed and sent letters to Georgia's Governor Sonny Perdue pleading for Davis' life. The Vatican's U.S. envoy delivered a message that might have come in handy before the ATF's 2009 Gunwalking operation got under way.
"The pope continually exhorts all people, and especially those men and women who serve in government, to recognize the sacredness of all human life," wrote Monsignor Martin Krebs.
Brian Terry gave his life for his country. Was his life not "sacred" enough for the mainstream media?  If Terry's death had happened under George W. Bush's watch, would this Fast and Furious cover-up be allowed to continue? The Terry family deserves answers.

Read more M. Catharine Evans at Potter Williams Report

American Thinker