Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sarah Palin: A Whole New Game Plan

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The 2012 election is a little over 13 months away. Politicos online and in the mainstream media are focusing on two related conversations right now: who will win the Republican presidential primary and can Barack Obama be reelected? This may be an opportunity to not only beat a weak Obama, but to completely chart a new game plan for how America is governed.

All the signs are there for further decay in our economic conditions and the morale of the American people. We continue to go further in debt. Unemployment continues to rise (although the government keeps telling us it's 9.1%). Gas prices are outlandishly high with no signs of coming down within the next year. Home foreclosures are continuing at a record rate. If we could save the country right now, it would be a monumental task. Can we afford to wait another 13 months? How much further in decline will our nation be by then?

Simply put, we will end up $14 trillion short and a year late. Many in the Tea Party and the Republican Party are gearing up for what is going to be a "must win" in November 2012. If Obama is reelected, the game is over. His policies will collapse our system and destroy our country. We will not be able to undo the damage after that.

Many tried to warn us in 2008 that electing Obama would be a mistake. A college friend of Obama's, John Drew, tried to warn us. He wrote:

The Obama I knew was nothing like the lifelong pragmatic centrist that he was pretending to be in the 2008 presidential campaign. When I talked politics with the young Obama, he expressed a profound commitment to bringing about a socialist economic system in the U.S. -- completely divorced from the profit motive -- which would occur, in his lifetime, through a potentially violent, Communist-style revolution. In this context, I saw my report on young Obama as a key piece of evidence suggesting a profound continuity in his belief system.
Others like Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and Glenn Beck tried to warn us. As Drew so eloquently pointed out in his piece for American Thinker, it was the media that ran cover for the Manchurian candidacy of Obama. This is precisely why pounding it home relentlessly and repeatedly that the media lies will be a key component to any GOP strategy in 2012.

Getting the hard facts out to the electorate will require circumventing the big three nightly news shows and their networks. It will require circumventing the written media like the New York Times and the Washington Post. It will require telling people to not trust what they see on MSNBC or CNN. Some may not yet believe us, but the American people are quick to anger if it can be proven to them that they have been lied to by the news sources they have trusted for so long. It's hard to break viewing and reading habits, but break them we must.

Monica Crowley points out how Obama is trying to bankrupt America and why he is a radical.

One must understand Obama's radical associations to understand fully where Crowley is coming from. For more on his radical associations, read here and here.

During the 2008 election, the L.A. Times sat on a video of Barack Obama at a dinner with William Ayers where anti-Semitic jokes were being told. From a12iggymom's Blog:
So, the LA Times has video of Obama attending a Jew bash and toasting a radical former PLO operative, and they are not sharing it with the public. I think we all know they would immediately release the tape if it were Sarah Palin making the toast.
Where were the members of the media then? They were busy bashing Sarah Palin. They saw the writing on the wall. They saw that if they didn't politically kill her before she wrote "death panel" or talked about crony capitalism, that they would eventually be exposed for the socialist/progressive supporting lackeys that they really are.

The American people have been flooded with information about the progressive movement, Saul Alinsky and how the permanent political class has taken the control of our system away from the people in a way that softly and quietly undermines the U.S. Constitution. With all the safeguards our Founders put into the document, the key safeguard of it all is an educated citizenry. What we have become is a brainwashed citizenry. Nearly a century of progressive infiltration into the economic, political, social and academic culture could not be undone with 56 days of Sarah Palin on the 2008 campaign trail.

But, over the past three years, much has been said and much has been written about this. Many more Americans are understanding how this works now. Defeating the media myths means changing how one views their sources of information, not by simply making them feel bad or deflating their egos. Millions of Obama voters and Sarah Palin skeptics can be brought into the fold if we can just get them to understand that they are not stupid; but rather that they based a well rationalized belief in hope and change based on some seriously flawed information. Once they realize they can no longer trust the source of that information, these people will resume normal intelligent lives.

Sarah Palin continues to be a threat to the progressive movement as well as the inside the beltway establishment. When she talks about crony capitalism, she talks about a system that has been growing like weeds around our Constitutional government. Liberal cronyism favors environmental and socialistic redistribution of wealth by rewarding the companies of donors who have earned their millions in a capitalist system for the sole purpose of destroying that system. Republican cronyism favors control over the establishment so that it can pick and choose which capitalists succeed and which capitalists fail.

Republican cronyism unintentionally gave us what we ended up with today: a radical President hell bent on fundamentally transforming the system. Republican cronies aren't socialists. They want Obama ousted, too. But, they don't like Gadsden flag waving Americans who want to open up businesses in a regulatory environment that's not weighted in favor of the friends of the establishment. Allowing banks and mortgage companies to be bailed out because they are too big to fail tells the little guy that, conversely, he's too small to succeed. And, it is because of this constant psychological programming that people don't go into business.

We claim to be a capitalist country, but we have nothing that resembles true capitalism anymore. Eliminating socialism by not reelecting Obama is a noble cause, but we must go far beyond that. Taking the system out of the hands of crony socialists and giving it back to crony capitalists will not change the breeding ground for future Obamas.

Sarah Palin told Sean Hannity last night (emphasis added):
Knowing, Sean, how important it is that we get this country back on the right track; knowing, Sean, that it's not enough to just to change up the uniform, we need to change the entire game plan and we need to change the entire team that's been there at the White House doing such great damage to our economy. We need to make sure that we have the best and most qualified the most vetted candidate to come forth and rise to the surface after this primary process.

I do agree with that [Sean Hannity said other candidates have things they can do to strengthen their positions and that anybody on the debate stage would be infinitely better]. I agree, too, that what you’re suggesting is many of us who are supporters of ABO, anybody but Obama, that’s what it’s going to come down to. But, at the same time, as I said though we need to make sure we’re not just switching up the uniform. We need a new team; we need a new game plan. That’s the only way that we’re going to save our country.
Governor Palin is the only potential candidate who effectively and efficiently defines the real problem and offers real solutions to it. Some may come somewhat close. Others may feed us platitudes. But ultimately, it has to be the person who came up with the idea that implements that idea. To do that, she will need a title.

Returning to business as usual after defeating Obama need no longer be an option. It's no longer about the crony capitalists versus the socialists. Sarah Palin gives us a fresh new alternative. She offers us a true free market and a chance for "we the people" to finally break down the barriers and the frustrations that separate us from our government.

Our system needs a complete repeal of many of the regulations and burdensome laws (including many tort laws) before true grassroots capitalism can emerge again. This will not happen until after 2012. And it probably won't happen ever if Sarah Palin isn't elected president.

There are many who are uncomfortable with the idea of a Palin presidency. This can be overcome by learning the lessons of Ronald Reagan. He, too, was seen skeptically by many until they were finally convinced that he was a competent and capable leader who was able to articulate his ideas and surround himself with smart people while earning the support of an army of followers who would go to the mat for him.

Palin's success will be directly related to the ability of those in the new media to effectively convince skeptics that the perception of her has been diabolically crafted by a mainstream media which would rather have acid poured all over them than to see Palin destroy their dream of seeing a socialist America.

When Sarah Palin talked about her journalism degree and set out to use Facebook as a primary means of communication, she wasn't doing it to show everyone how great she was. She was doing it to be an example for millions of Americans who felt they had no way of having their voices heard. This is leadership. Because of what Palin has done, thousands have taken to blogging and millions have taken to social networks to discuss Alinsky, radicalism, the Tea Party movement and the dangers of crony capitalism.

We have become our own media. In doing so, we have now become analysts of the facts. We are not brainwashed lemmings. We argue amongst ourselves, sometimes bitterly. But it is through this dialogue that real myths are debunked and real truths are exposed.

When Glenn Beck is ostracized because he talks about Van Jones and the progressive movement, there's a reason for it. When the Tea Party is falsely accused of being violent racists, there's a reason for it. When Sarah Palin is called unelectable or not intelligent, there's a reason for it. The only way liars can stop the truth from being told is to lie about it. That's why the mainstream media does what it does. That's why the Democrat Party is incapable of convincing the American people any longer to go with stimulus programs and tax hikes.

The question remains, what kind of country will the United States of America be by November 2012? Psychologically, until we can see light at the end of the tunnel and victory as a possibility, we will be, as Sarah Palin has called us, an "anxious nation." Solving our worries is going to require us to accept that it will still get darker before the dawn, but that there is at least a dawn coming.

We may be near economic death, both individually (I'm unemployed and I see it coming unless I find a job) and as a nation (our GDP is anemic and the deficit continues to rise). As people evaluate the GOP candidates, I hear support for different candidates. But, that support comes with addendums like "I like Perry but I have my reservations about Gardasil and cronyism" or " I like Romney but I have my reservations about RomneyCare." Each candidate comes with a caveat. Support is soft to mild at best.

But, with Palin, support is hardcore and entrenched. Her army is stout with informed activists who can help any doubter borrow their confidence. If Americans can believe that she is the dawn we are looking for, we can capture that same spirit that Ronald Reagan captured. It is with that spirit that a downtrodden and economically abused electorate can find its way back to the shining city on a hill.

We may not have much of a country left by November, 2012. But the enthusiasm and real hope America needs to reignite a revival of growth and a restoration of opportunity in this county will have to come long before we actually start to see the results of our labor. This psychological exercise will require that we have an inspirational leader who, like Reagan, is a lightning rod for those who would otherwise sit at home and wallow in their mire. It will also, unfortunately (as history has shown us), require a leader who is reviled by the true enemies of real capitalism and real free enterprise. Because of that, we will have to be strong.

Unbridled capitalism doesn't mean that we will be running roughshod over the marketplace or allowing companies to defraud Americans or exploit their workers. Unbridled capitalism can succeed when good people use the Constitutional system to prosecute fraud and use the power of the Internet to do consumer reviews of companies and products. Government can play its proper role of referee by getting out of the regulation business and back into the oversight business like it was originally intended to.

Using the legislative process to pick winners and losers and pass cushy laws for some at the expense of others must become a thing of the past. Just as Sarah Palin undid the influence of cronyism in big oil in Alaskan politics, so can she undo the influence of cronyism in American politics. Enforcing laws that protect the rights, property and persons of citizens is the appropriate role of government. Micro-managing businesses and regulating lemonade stands is not.

Don't let the Left convince you that capitalism is a heartless system or that being for small government means we hate the poor. Much of the new poor in America have gotten there because of big government, not in spite of it. The Federal Government can shave trillions of dollars by shutting down useless programs, bureaucracies and government agencies. Entitlement programs can be reformed. Liberals will scream bloody murder. But we will either be forced to reform them by the realities or we will reform them ahead of time in advance of problems that we're being warned about now. Don't let Liberals demagogue you by saying these programs can't be reformed.

In addition, we can open America up for business by eliminating the corporate income tax (which would encourage international investment in America and stop the outsourcing of American jobs overseas), unleashing our energy exploration and development programs en masse (which would create over a million new jobs and create real wealth based on energy commodities rather than paper), repatriating trillions of dollars now sitting off shore and reducing the burdensome regulatory costs that go with running businesses.

A richer nation means we can do more for the less fortunate and provide more efficient safety nets. In fact, the more Americans we put back to work and encourage to become wealthy through entrepreneurship, the less poor we will need to attend to.

Now, that's real hope and change. This is the basis upon which a renewed optimism for America can be built. Knowing that Sarah Palin can deliver on this should encourage the business community and all Americans that help is on the way. While we suffer over the next year or so, at least we can suffer knowing that someday the pain will be over and the light will shine brightly again on our blessed nation.

Liberty's Lamp