Wednesday, November 9, 2011

WaPo’s Dana Milbank Doesn’t Think Fast And Furious Is A Scandal

Surprise surprise. Dana Milbank, an op-ed writer at The Washington Post, doesn’t think Operation Fast & Furious is a scandal. Of course I sent him an email because I want to know why he doesn’t think this is a scandal.

Dear Dana:
I am a writer for Big Journalism and I’ve been keeping on eye on the media’s coverage of Operation Fast and Furious. My main question for you is what qualifies for a scandal? Please explain to my readers, editor, and me why this isn’t a scandal. Would you care to explain to Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry’s family why this isn’t a scandal?
You admit the operation was a debacle and acknowledge the bloodshed caused by this operation. Yet you claim it hasn’t reached the level of a political scandal? Sir, what would you call this? Guns have been found at hundreds of crime scenes in America. AMERICA. These guns have caused 200+ deaths in Mexico. Our federal government allowed guns to get into the hands of dangerous drug cartels. OUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. How is that not a political scandal? People have died. People like Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.
There’s no smoking gun? How about the numerous memos from July 2010 proving Eric Holder was briefed on this operation? That’s not a smoking gun? Actually there have been smoking guns. about 1400+ smoking guns! I know The Washington Post isn’t covering the story that well, but you should look at CBS and Sharyl Atkisson. She has interviews of ATF agents detailing the operation. Her coverage proves this is scandal going somewhere fast.
So would you like it if they just agreed to never do this again? You don’t want them to get to the bottom of this? You don’t want to find justice for Brian Terry and his family?
I’ve attached a picture of Brian Terry. Please respond ASAP. I will be emailing until I receive a response.
Thank you,
Mary Chastain
Mr. Milbank actually wrote about the operation being a debacle and the bloodshed, but somehow that still isn’t enough to be called a scandal? I am dying to know what qualifies as a political scandal. I also love how he doesn’t think there hasn’t been a smoking gun. Yes Mr. Milbank. At least 1,400+ smoking guns! (I must credit my wonderful husband with that one) He appears to not care that one of those smoking guns appeared at Brian Terry’s murder scene. Who cares that Brian Terry died, who cares that 200+ Mexican civilians have died because of these guns, is that what we’re saying? Who cares these guns have shown up at hundreds of crime scenes in America!

That’s right. It’s no big deal people have died. No big deal at all. This operation that led to untold bloodshed (his words) is not a scandal.

Please Mr. Milbank. Explain to us, especially Brian Terry’s family, why Operation Fast and Furious is not a scandal. Explain to us why Republicans questioning Mr. Holder is just plain wrong and mean. Thank God those Democrats are there (plus Republican Lindsey Graham) to save Mr. Holder from those mean awful Republicans who want to know the whole story behind Operation Fast & Furious. How dare that mean Senator John Cornyn ask Mr. Holder to apologize to Brian Terry’s family or even reach out to the family.

I don’t expect a response, but I’m not going to stop, as usual. No matter how often this happens I still get so upset seeing people blowing off Operation Fast & Furious, even more so when their job is to report on it.

Big Journalism