Saturday, November 3, 2012

Obama's Cowardly Lying

November 3, 2012
By William L. Gensert

 Everyone has heard of Baghdad Bob.  He was the guy who went on TV every night during the Iraqi War insisting to the world that Iraq was winning, despite American tanks rolling up behind him as he spoke.

What's the difference between Baghdad Bob and Benghazi Barack?  Obama has long pretended that the private sector is "doing fine," and that he is winning this race for the presidency.  The economy may be moribund, but he built it, and he thinks that if he repeats the lie often enough, people will believe it.

Baghdad Bob had one big lie: Saddam was winning.  Benghazi Barack has a myriad of little lies, spinning a web of delusion and deceit with every telling.

He pretends he is the "energy president."  This is perhaps his boldest fib.  The refutation is seen on every corner, where gasoline prices are posted publicly for all to see.  Yet he thinks if he says it, his media backers will run with it -- and they have.  But America is no longer buying his lies.

Many drive to work every day -- if they are lucky enough to still have a job.  Or...they drive the kids to activities -- if their diminished cash flow still allows.  We are an automobile-driving nation and $4 gasoline is the most onerous tax burden ever levied on a shrinking middle class.

...And he's not done.  By the time the EPA is finished killing the coal industry, and probably fracking in Barack II, the Sequel, the populace will be living with rolling blackouts and electric bills triple what they were in the bad old days of Bush.  Miss him yet?  I do.

He brags of preventing another depression.  I often tell people that when I voted for Ronald Reagan in 1980, I prevented a nuclear war.  At least I can make a case that my vote helped elect a man whose policy of peace through strength collapsed the Soviet Union, resulting in an end to the era of mutually assured destruction.

What can Barack say?  The notion that the almost trillion dollars he borrowed from our children's future to reward friends and political backers saved America and prevented a depression is just so much fantasy.  

Like all things Barack, it's 80% bull and 30% crap.  It's the same math that gave us those millions of nonexistent green energy jobs and billions of dollars lost on battery manufacturers and wind and solar energy companies.

He insults our intelligence with such tripe.  Jobs "saved or created" is just another expression of failure.  

We're still waiting for his pivot to employment -- another term would be four more years of foreplay for the president and nothing for us.

Some slob scraping to earn enough money to feed his family was just not sexy enough for our narcissistic president.  But ObamaCare -- that was something he could put his name on!  Besides, fostering a healthy job-creating economic revival would have been so much hard work, leaving him nary a moment to line up his putt, or vacation, or party with Beyoncé and Jay-Z.  Besides, didn't he give that same slob food stamps to feed his family and promise his daughter an abortion, free of charge?

People are so selfish; they don't appreciate all he's done for them.

Obama boasts that he saved the automobile industry in America.  There are precious few businesses that can't be made to look more successful by squandering $25 billion borrowed from China on them.  It's a statement of Obama's incompetence that GM is still a basket case, and facing yet another bankruptcy -- even after wasting all that money.

Obama killed bin Laden.  To hear him tell it, after being born in a manger in Hawaii, he rappelled from a Black Hawk helicopter to a roof in Abbottabad to take Osama out with the aura of his brilliance -- or perhaps his steely stare and legendary gutsiness.  This is the most unseemly claim of all -- usurping credit from Navy SEALs, with all his Is, mes and mys.

Barack Obama has no problem taking credit from SEALs, but saving their lives is another matter entirely.

Certainly, he was bobbing and weaving about the circumstances surrounding the assassination of our ambassador in Benghazi, both immediately after the attack and for weeks afterward -- and in fact, even now.  And by bobbing, I mean lying -- or as he would probably call it, "telling America a story."  He denied repeated requests for adequate security beforehand and denied repeated requests for help during the attack -- for no other reason than that it would have obliterated the administration's meme of a destroyed al-Qaeda.
Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty disobeyed orders and sacrificed their lives to come to the defense of American citizens during the firefight in Benghazi on 9/11, when our own president would not.  Those men were ex-SEALs, and they gave their lives defending Americans, whereas Barack went to bed to get enough rest for his campaign event in Vegas the next day -- a president has got to have his priorities.

He was afraid that saving American lives would possibly cost him votes, and he couldn't have that.

Mr. Obama left our diplomats in Libya unprotected and then wouldn't allow our military to intervene when they were attacked, because to do so would have ruined his campaign line that GM is alive and al-Qaeda is dead.  And with nothing but failure on his resume, he could not let people see the falsity of his claim that the tide of war is receding and that he has singlehandedly defeated al-Qaeda and terrorism.

The difference between a leader and a coward is that a leader does what is necessary, when it is necessary, for a greater good, despite the personal risks.  A coward does what is expedient and beneficial for himself, despite the risk to others.

Barack Obama is a coward.  He has spent the time since the death of bin Laden pretending that al-Qaeda was defeated.  To come to the aid of our embassy staff in Libya would have thrown that meme out the window, jeopardizing his re-election.  At some point, Obama decided that the lives of four Americans were not as important as his re-election.  What kind of man does that?

"This has nothing to do with politics. This has to do with integrity and honor. My son showed moral courage."  This is what Charles Woods, father of Tyrone Woods, declared the other day.

The same cannot be said of the cowardly, lying Benghazi Barack.

Barack Obama apparently decided that the lives of four Americans paled in comparison to all the good he could do during a second term.  "We are the ones we've been waiting for," the president once famously claimed.

Tyrone Wood, Glen Doherty, Sean Smith, and Christopher Stevens are still waiting.

American Thinker