Thursday, February 18, 2010

Stop Press Item: Boxer and Gore Begging for Money in Same L.A. Room


Oh, this is rich.  I’m laughing so hard, it’s difficult to type. Only in California.
For a few years now, I’ve been signed up for Barbara Boxer’s campaign solicitations.  Keep your enemies closer and all that.
So, today Ms. Boxer is just tickled pink all over to announce to her California groupies that the one, the only, the prophet of global warming, the Oscar-winning, Peace-prize-taking guy who got filthy rich hawking gloom-and-doom snake oil to the world is coming to L.A.!!!!  Just for her.  So they can both stand in the same room together begging for more money from the dozen poor schleps who still have a grain of naiveté and a checkbook from Daddy’s trust fund.
How sweet.  How oh-so-grand.  Only in L.A., folks.
California, the state, which has bought into more economy-crippling enviro-wacko nonsense than any other state in the union.  Now that some real truth has surfaced in the global warming cabal, record-breaking blizzards are wreaking havoc around the world and the public has finally awakened from its media-enabled magic spell, the snake oil salesmen are trying to change their lingo and call it “climate change.”  And I’m sure they’ll have plenty of sleazy “scientists” right on board to give “professional” credence to that one, too.
But, hey, when you’re getting that rich scamming people and there are still a few willing to be scammed, why not?
From Ms. Boxer’s email announcement:
I’m so grateful that Vice President Gore is coming to campaign with me in Los Angeles this weekend. We’ve worked together closely on so many important issues over the years, perhaps none more important than our current fight to create millions of new clean energy jobs, put America back in charge of our own energy future, and stop global climate change.
With a tough re-election battle ahead, you can never have too many friends standing with you. That’s why I’m glad that Al Gore is coming this Saturday, and that’s why I value your support so much, too.
We’ve got two extra tickets to a special lunch event — and if you act now, you’ll have a chance to join us.
But, wait, that’s not all.  If you send Ms. Boxer a $10 donation right away, you’ll be entered in a contest to receive an all-expense paid trip to L.A. to her gala fundraiser with Prophet Al.  I’ll bet her little cash machines are just going cha-ching, cha-ching faster than her little elves can keep up with, don’t you?
Like I said, only in California.  Only in L.A. are there that many people left with more bucks than brains.
Now, here’s my hope.  That Al Gore’s appeal will do exactly for Barbara Boxer’s campaign what Barack Obama’s did for Martha Coakley.
Anyone want to take a bet on that?
Postscript:  To my few friends in California, who are brilliant and conservative, I apologize.  Still, even y’all have to admit that the liberals in your state have run roughshod for decades over every shred of common sense anywhere within their sights.

Big Journalism