Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Battlefield: The Soul

The war against Christianity in the School Systems and in the Public Square can only be understood as a reflection of the war between Good and Evil; or the war between Jesus Christ and Satan, the Devil, for the souls of humanity
The war between good and evil is really a war for the souls of human beings.
The Devil wants to drag as many souls as possible to Hell because he hates human beings who God created in His image.
Therefore, the best place for the Devil to seduce the minds of humans is in the school system where young developing minds are receptive of ideas.
The reason why Evolution is defended as the gospel truth by atheistic scientists is that the logical conclusion of Evolution theory is that God did not create Human Beings and that all life resulted from the random arrangement of atoms and chemical compounds.
This theory of Evolution is an ideal one for the evil purpose of convincing people that a God does not exist who will ultimately judge their behavior. Therefore, a materialistic theory of the origin of life results in a moral system based on relativism where there is no absolute good or evil reference point. This idea of the non-existence of absolute good or evil is perfect for the justification of despotic and tyrannical governments and for the justification of the denial of individual freedoms and liberties for the collective good of the State.
The flaw of Evolution theory is that it cannot explain the origin of atoms or matter.
However, the existence of God can be proven by inductive logic. Logic dictates that all things have a cause, and since by definition there is only one first cause, God must be that first cause. The fact that we cannot explain the origin of God is not a valid refutation of this logic that determines that there is a God.