Saturday, April 17, 2010

No Joy in Mudville As MSM’s Coverage of Tea Party Strikes Out

Larry  O'Connor Posted by Larry O'Connor Apr 17th 2010 at 11:42 am in Mainstream Media, Tea Parties

While the media did their best to expose the rampant stupidity and racism lurking in the ranks of the tea party protestors at tax day rallies last week, a couple of obstacles usually referred to as facts stood in their way.
It felt like “Casey at the Bat” as the behemoth slugger known as “MSM” strode confidently to the plate ready to knock one out of the park.
Strike 1:

The much celebrated and selectively quoted poll from CBS and the NY Times on the Tea Party revealed that people identified as members of the movement were actually smarter than average Americans.
So much for those “dumb conservative” narratives they had ready to roll.
Strike 2:

Next we had the spectacle of the Huffington Post showing pictures of the most ridiculous and offensive protestors and signs at the rall.  As Panzramic points out they featured a leftist infiltrator who purposely went to the rally to make geniuine protestors look bad:
The Huffington Post has a post where they mock the “Most Outrageous Depictions From Tax Day Protests” . They feature this picture in an attempt to paint the Tea Partiers as extreme:
Unfortunately for them, they didn’t read this Politico article, which outs the “monk” as an infiltrator, not a tea partier.
Strike 3:
This exchange on NBC with reporter Kelly O’Donnell and Darryl Postell, an African-American protestor:
O’DONNELL: There aren’t a lot of African-American men at these events.
POSTELL: (laughing) Right.
O’DONNELL: Have you ever felt uncomfortable?
POSTELL: No, no, these are my people, Americans.
Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout; But there is no joy in Mudville – mighty Casey has struck out.

Big Journalism