Tuesday, April 20, 2010

For the MSM and Left, Freedom of Speech Means Agreeing With Them

James HudnallPosted by James Hudnall Apr 20th 2010 at 11:27 am in Mainstream Media, Tea Parties

There’s an old saying that when you scratch a person you see what lies beneath their skin. People are defined under pressure. The press, the Administration and its allies are under pressure and what we’re seeing under their skin is something similar to the scaled aliens in the TV show “V”. The methods being employed in recent days is borderline fascist. Take that Frank Rich.
There’s an attempt to brand any dissenters of this administration as being crazed and dangerous radicals. CBS made the claim that the Tea Party is made up almost entirely of older white people, which is media code for “racist”. Apparently, having a group of white people is equal to the Klan or a Nazi march. Which is fascinating because CBS, MSNBC, et al. are groups made up mostly of older white people. Bust out the schnapps!
Of course, CBS has a poor record of polling, as theirs tends to be skewed. Gallup did a poll of Tea Partiers that found they were very close to the American mainstream except for having fewer Democrats. And this is what scares the establishment. The mainstream is against them. So they’ve decided to attack the Tea Party — and, by extension, ordinary Americans — as never before.
First they ignored them, then they mocked them, now they’re attacking them. Sounds familiar. Oh, yes…I remember now. Gandhi said it:
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you,then they fight you, then you win.
The Tea Party protesters are Americans, of all races, who disagree with the policies of this administration. They’re protesting non-violently. There is no racism involved. Many key speakers at the rallies are non-white. The only violence at Tea Party rallies has come from leftists and Democrat operatives. There have been plenty of incidents in which  Democrat minions have attacked Tea Party protesters, yet the media and the Democrats are painting the Tea Party as dangerous villains. Former President Bill Clinton has again implied that dissenters of this administration are like the right-wing extremists who bombed the Oklahoma City federal building.
The zombie media laps this up and breathlessly reports it. Apparently, the ex-president forgets his own lack of concern over much worse rhetoric during the Bush years.
Time Magazine’s paid Democrat shill, Joe Klein, has even gone so far as to accuse Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, two popular conservative pundits, of sedition.

Add to this Homeland Security’s report last year that conservatives and veterans posed a possible terrorist threat and you see the makings of a “wag the dog” scenario wherein any trumped-up incident can be used as an excuse to target dissenters as possible threats. It’s an intimidation tactic right out of the totalitarian playbook. It’s no coincidence that the people who love big government are the very ones making these moves.
This is what they think of your free speech. You’re free to agree with them. If you don’t, you will be demonized and, at the very least, ridiculed.
But remember what Gandhi said. Keep up the non-violent protest, go to the elections with a renewed sense of purpose and vote out those who think these kinds of tactics are acceptable. The people need to take their country back.

Big Jounalism