Friday, July 16, 2010

The American Media, Past the Point of No Return

Ron Futrell 
Posted by Ron Futrell Jul 16th 2010 at 8:42 am in media bias

If you did not think that the American media has declared war on the public, think again. War is on, and I am not overstating this.

We have taken years to get to this point, but two incidents last week make it very clear that the line in the sand has been drawn. The activist old media virtually ignored these two major stories.
Barack Obama hires a new NASA administrator who says it’s his foremost job to do outreach to Muslim Nations (crazy me, I thought launching rockets and space ships is what NASA does).
And a whistleblower tells us that the Obama administration has no interest in prosecuting race crimes if it’s a black person committing the alleged crime against a white person (the same guy also said kill “cracker” babies, but no biggie–Mel Gibson is the out of control guy who deserves ALL of the coverage).
Neither story was covered or given any significant play by the national media. I cannot monitor all the local media, but since I worked in that biz for 30 years, I know how they do what they do.  As a news anchor, if I went to the producers and asked them to cover one of these two stories mentioned above, I would’ve been laughed out of the news room. If it’s a non-local story and it ain’t in the news wires, it didn’t happen. Local TV news and newspapers don’t have time to cover these national stories unless they are handed to them and they can just cut and paste. It’s getting worse as staffs get smaller.

It’s clear for all to see the networks and many newspapers have cast their lot with this President. They have made the decision to go down with this ship. While virtually ignoring these two stories mentioned above, they have spent plenty of time this week and last trying to figure out where LaBron James will be playing and pressuring the Republican Party to fire LaBron James

Many in the local media know exactly what I’m saying, many agree with me. Since writing on this blog, I have heard from many of them, but they know they have to save their jobs and acquiesce. They read the scripts as given to them and know that they are deceiving the public, and ultimately destroying the business they work in, but it’s a jungle out there and they are doing what they are doing to keep their jobs. Few people are brave enough to stand up. I did a few times but those are stories I will save for another day.

You want to know why the old media is dying?  Agenda.  Plain and simple.  Don’t delude yourself it’s anything but that.

It seems those in the business would rather see ratings and subscriptions drop to zero than turn on Dear Leader. They are all in. War is on.

Big Journalism