With much of the Mainstream Media now wholly creating the news while patently ignoring the real McCoy, comes an unexpected defeatism drill from websites and blogs considered to be on the Help Save America side.
America is finished. Last man out don’t forget to turn off the lights is the dreary theme.
“I don’t see how the US survives the Abyss at this point,” a reader wrote Canada Free Press (CFP) this morning. “Just sunk too far morally and bankrupt economically. “We’re ripe to be picked off by a foreign or domestic tyrant…or both?”
The CFP letter writer was responding to what he described was “Depressingly posted” over at Free Republic.
“I have to agree with the author, wrote the FR commenter. “America is now nothing more than a land mass populated by far too many cretins and parasites who have absolutely no respect for the military and who vote for big government to confiscate money from their neighbors and “redistribute” it to them. It is not an America worth defending anymore.
“There’s no point hanging onto the past. America had a great run. Remember it fondly for what it was.
“The parasites outnumber the hosts now, and there’s no going back. Throw some cold water in your face and figure out how to grab every government dime you possibly can before the parasites gobble it all up.
“Whatever. I just live here.
“Every man for himself.”Thank God this man never got to serve in the trenches with the soldiers of any war.
If defeatism and negativity continue to go viral on the Net, America will have to be dosed with mass-distributed Valium. Something the enemy has probably been contemplating all along.
“America is now nothing more than a land mass populated by far too many cretins and parasites”? The truth is the cretins and parasites have been clinging to the undergarments of civilized society all throughout history.
Every once in awhile a Churchill or a Lincoln comes along. They came throughout past chapters of history and indeed they will come again.
The long gaps between the coming of the statesmen of the world makes them all the more welcome when they return.
Incredible the kind of arrogance that instructs us, “There’s no point hanging onto the past. America had a great run. Remember it fondly for what it was.”
Take your own black thoughts into your self-centered depression but leave the rest of us alone.
The writer of the remembering America fondly for what it was could be snapped up as another one of Obama’s long line of insufferable czars. Their thinking of America is one and the same.
It is not the end of America on anybody’s say so, including the anti-American Barack Hussein Obama. In order for him to succeed in the Transformation of America, of which he constantly boasts, he is going to need the quiet cooperation of every American—a tall order even for a guy whose minions hint that he can walk on water.
The problem with the doomsayers suddenly springing to life on the Internet is that like any dread disease, defeatism and negativity spread far and wide without antidotes.
The reality is that the political agenda for the Transformation of America is still going on. It was going on long before the movement it sprang from enslaved a politician named Obama. Even as they rev up the plan, untold millions both at home and abroad work passionately to prevent it.
“America had a great run. Remember it fondly for what it was”?
America is still in the race, a courageous giant, sprinting boldly down the world stage, with untold millions rooting for it from the very poorest and farthest corners of the world.
It is not up to false messiahs, defeatists or bloggers indulging in a kind of writing that comes from personal depression or loss of hope, to turn off the last light.
The Guy in charge of the light switch is the same one who brings you the stars when darkness falls.
Canada Free Press