Posted by William J. Kelly Dec 26th 2010 at 4:58 am in Featured Story, MSNBC, Mainstream Media, Obama, Palin, elections 2012 Oprah Winfrey sounded the bell for the 2012 presidential race with her thinly veiled whack at Sarah Palin in the new issue of Parade Magazine; And the mainstream media are already lapping it like swine.
When asked whether Palin’s running for President scares her, Oprah was quoted as saying, “It does not scare me because I believe in the intelligence of the American public.”
So, is Oprah saying that the American people are too smart to vote for Palin? Is she also saying that intelligent people want Obama’s Big Government agenda that Palin is opposed to? If she is, did she bear witness to the recent Midterm Election Massacre of 2010 that symbolized the complete and utter rejection of the President and the progressivism he’s been force-feeding us? If that is indeed what the Queen of All Media is saying, someone may need to screw her head back on.
MSNBC’s Chris “Tingles” Matthews probably got a thrill up his other leg when he read the transcript of Winfrey’s comments. He praised the talk show diva saying, “Isn’t it incredible how Oprah can deliver a zinger like that while in the same sentence, offering such an uplifting portrait of us?” Yes, all hail Oprah.
Like Oprah, Matthews is known for his gushing adoration of Obama. He even cries during his speeches and compares him to Jesus. During the 2008 Election, Matthews said of then Senator Obama, “I’ve been following politics since I was about 5. I’ve never seen anything like this. This is bigger than Kennedy. [Obama] comes along, and he seems to have the answers. This is the New Testament.”
Others unbiased journalists in the mainstream media have added their own adulation to the media cesspool.
On Matthews’ Hardball show in June 2009, Newsweek editor Evan Thomas offered up this non-partisan insight comparing Obama to Reagan, “Reagan was all about America, and you talked about it. Obama is ‘we are above that now.’ We’re not just parochial, we’re not just chauvinistic, we’re not just provincial. We stand for something – I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God. He’s going to bring all sides together.” “Yeah,” gushed Matthews. And this, as Newsbusters’ Noel Sheppard correctly points out, is the guy [Matthews] who says his show is “absolutely nonpartisan.”
Oprah, Matthews and others make no bones about why Obama is the end-all, be-all for them: Big Government socialism. Back in January, Bill O’Reilly took a closer look at an Oprah TV episode called, “The World’s Happiest People.”
In the clip, Oprah gushes over Denmark’s free healthcare, free education, and unemployment security, where if you lose your job the government pays up to 90% of your salary for four years. Strange longings for a woman who makes $100 million a year and whose personal belongings wouldn’t even fit in the pea-sized country that is Denmark.
What Oprah doesn’t mention is that Denmark’s taxes are the highest in the world – between 50-75% of your income. It is no secret that President Obama and the mainstream media look to Europe’s socialist model for inspiration, hoping to eradicate American capitalism once and for all. In the video, Oprah, too, is giddy with excitement to be with those bicycle-riding Danes who share her worldview. But Americans are not the Danes and we do not share this view of Big Government. It is not our cultural identity to believe in the equality of outcomes, just the equality of opportunity. That is Sarah Palin’s view as well. However, to an Oprah Winfrey or a Barack Obama, those who do not share their view are simply not intelligent or sophisticated enough to understand what they are trying to do or how they are – sigh – trying to make the world a better place.
As much as the mainstream media has heart palpitations over Obama, they’re salivating over more opportunities to attack Palin as they did in the 2008 Presidential elections. Not only is Palin a top contender for the GOP nomination, but she is also a powerful new force in media and entertainment. Could she eventually unseat Oprah as Queen of All Media? Could that be another reason for Oprah’s snide remarks?
You bettcha.
Big Journalism