Thursday, December 22, 2011

Media Matters Is Right There To Defend Eric Holder

Media Matters for America’s favorite topics are FOX News, the Big sites, and The Daily Caller. Chris Brown claims Matthew Boyle was so happy to accuse The New York Times and Attorney General Eric Holder in one article Mr. Boyle didn’t bother to get his facts straight. Well, the same could be said about Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown was so happy to jump on Mr. Boyle he didn’t bother to look at the article from ALL angles. Then again is anyone surprised? After all MMfA is the Obama administration’s cheerleaders. No one could ever do wrong in this administration, right?

This is what has Mr. Brown’s underwear all in knots:
Savage wrote that there are no “documents or testimony” to support allegations that Holder knew of the “gunwalking” tactics employed in Operation Fast and Furious.
“Mr. Holder has denounced the tactics used in the operation, known as ‘gunwalking,’ but said he did not know about them or sanction their use,” Savage wrote. “No documents or testimony have shown otherwise, but Republicans have pummeled him at oversight hearings and in news media appearances.”
Savage made these statements without attribution.
Despite those assertions, Holder’s office was provided with multiple briefings and memos about Operation Fast and Furious by top Justice Department officials. The memos contained intimate details of how Holder’s DOJ allowed guns to walk.
Oh Mr. Brown. You’re the almighty aren’t you? You can tell us you absolutely know for sure Mr. Holder knew nothing about Operation Fast and Furious? Because what Mr. Savage wrote was wrong. Read the sentence again, okay? Let’s say it really slow so you can understand: “Savage wrote that there are no “documents or testimony” to support allegations that Holder knew of the “gunwalking” tactics employed in Operation Fast and Furious.” OK let’s analyze that sentence.

Mr. Savage is wrong. There ARE documents that do support our theory Mr. Holder knew about Operation Fast and Furious. Can you Mr. Brown swear that the people in Mr. Holder’s office never handed him any of the many memos? After all Operation Fast and Furious was mentioned in the weekly memo for every week in July 2010. Even though Mr. Holder said he never saw those memos there’s not even a little doubt in your mind he could be lying? Or are you going to believe everything he says?

Thing is Mr. Brown you cannot say Mr. Boyle’s article is flat out wrong. There ARE documents that can prove Mr. Holder knew about Operation Fast and Furious.

Big Journalism