Friday, October 19, 2012

Why Benghazi is a Crucial Strategic Moment

October 19, 2012
By James Lewis

 "Ghazi" means "great warrior" in Arabic.  The name "bin ghazi" means "the tribe of ghazi."  Turkish Sultans used "ghazi" as an honorific, as in Caliph Sultan Ghazi Mehmed II Khan Caesar.  Benghazi, the town in Libya, is also a notorious hangout for AQIM, al-Qaeda in the Maghreb (Mediterranean Africa).  Those are the thoughts that come up in Arab minds when they hear Benghazi.  It's the perfect propaganda place for al-Qaeda.

Radical Islam is at war with us, as they keep telling us out loud -- and we just handed them a historic victory, a repeat of 9/11/01 to the very day, eleven years later.  A decade of war, and Obama has sacrificed whatever victories we achieved.

One month ago, there were nearly identical twin attacks on our Cairo Embassy and our legation in Benghazi, ordered by al-Qaeda's Al Zawahiri the week before and carried out by AQIM.  Those attacks on sovereign American diplomatic legations tell the world loud and clear that in spite of all our efforts and sacrifice since 9/11/01, al-Qaeda is alive!

Both our Cairo and Libya buildings were burned by AQ, flying the black AQ flag for the world media.  In both cases our host governments -- their police, intelligence apparatus, and military, financed by U.S. tax dollars -- were nowhere to be seen.  They fled and colluded in the attacks.  Our ambassador to Libya was burned out and killed.

Obama is in denial of what every Muslim knows.  The message is clear, but Washington just hopes it will go away if we pretend hard enough, like little children.  That is why our  administration and media have been lying about Benghazi and Cairo for the last month, and why those assaults by battalion-size AQ forces equipped with mortars, RPGs, and possibly anti-aircraft MANPADS are so important.

The AQ assaults happened with the collusion of our host governments -- the Morsi Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo and the "liberated" Libyan regime in Tripoli.  A CIA station in Libya was exposed by the AQIM attack.

Everybody understands that but the American voter, who is kept in ignorance.  That's what a month of lies and blaming has achieved.  When Mitt Romney says the word "Benghazi" on Monday, the corrupt press corps will go into hysterical fits.  You just watch.

Eleven years after 9/11/01, al-Qaeda has triumphantly shown who is the strong horse and who is the weak horse.  The United States can concentrate overwhelming force anywhere in the world, but we have no staying power.  Instead, we have been penetrated by enemy ideology, so that the words "war on terror" are censored.  Osama bin Laden is dead, but his ideology has grown immensely in the last eleven years, so that now Iran, Egypt, Libya, and Saudi Arabia are enemies of the United States and our allies.  This administration constantly tries to blame Israel, but the same battle has been raging since 1948 between Pakistan and India, with terrorists sent into India by the Pakistani ISI.  The same historic conflict has also been raging in North Africa, with the Sudanese genociders killing African tribes and Christians in a classic jihad war.  Sudanese refugees flee to Israel to be safe.  The same historic conflict between Islam and the European Enlightenment is now in Europe itself, with Euro-socialist governments bowing down to Saudi imams and Iranian mullahs.  Hoping against hope that the crocodile will eat them last.

As historian Samuel Huntington pointed out in his book Clash of Civilizations:
Islam's borders are bloody and so are its innards. The fundamental problem for the West is not Islamic fundamentalism. It is Islam, a different civilization whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their power.
Huntington's words have been borne out every day since 9/11/01.  With Benghazi they have turned into a strategic crisis for the United States and the West.

 In its usual cowardly fashion, the Obama administration tried to blame it all on a thirteen-minute internet video by an Egyptian Copt.  Nobody believes that.  For the last month, U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice has been laughed at by the United Nations, because a strong horse does not need to tell lies.  Only a weak horse lives in denial and pre-emptive surrender.  Muslim men are telling each other that this is how women behave, because this is how women do behave in the radical Islamic world, where they are beaten and threatened like household slaves.

Islam means surrender.  Denying that we have suffered a bloody defeat is dishonorable, according to the ancient desert code of Mohammed.  It is yet another sign of weakness.  If you don't recognize your defeats, you will never have a victory.  This is a war theology, and when it comes to war, terror, and intimidation, they are experts.

The patriarchal values of 7th-century Islam demand that women surrender to men, and the fact that Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice are women acts like a red rag on a bull for the Islamic fascists.  Feminists may not understand this fundamental fact yet, but they will soon.  The fight for civilization is also the fight for women's rights.

To confess the obvious truths of Benghazi is therefore to confess that Obama and Mrs. Clinton have retreated helter-skelter before an Islamist fascist assault.  The world sees Benghazi as a bloody nose for the United States and Western values.  It's 9/11 Number Two, even as we are letting AQ-allied Taliban triumph in Afghanistan, even as a 14-year-old heroine of resistance to the throwback Taliban suffered a near-assassination over there.  The Taliban hate women's education, preferring to keep them literally barefoot, black-tented, and jailed in every home, guarded by violent fathers, brothers, and cousins.  Islam has a long history of abuse of women and children, as well as of killing men who don't surrender.  Every Muslim schoolchild learns that.

The other day, Hillary Clinton fake-apologized for the assassination of Ambassador Chris Stevens and other U.S. personnel in Benghazi one month ago.  But she forgot to tell us the meaning of Benghazi.  Hillary never explained why we were left defenseless and back-stabbed by our "Arab Spring" buddies in Libya and Egypt, including Brother Morsi, the new radical dictator in the Middle East.  She never confessed that the United States and the West just suffered our biggest defeat since Carter dithered over Khomeini in the embassy hostage crisis three decades ago.  Hillary never apologized for the humanitarian disaster that is the "Arab Spring."  She forgot to tell us that our children are now in greater peril than we have been since the death of Josef Stalin sixty years ago.

Mrs. Clinton did not even bother to explain four weeks of cover-up lies by the media, the White House, her State Dept., U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, the whole permanent ruling party in D.C.  One big lie after another, all destined to be exposed in hours, all ponied up to rescue Obama -- because, if Benghazi is seen for what it is, Hillary's career is  over, along with that of Barack Hussein Obama Abu Mau Mau Shabazz.  

Benghazi will follow them down the years like Watergate followed Nixon.

So Hillary gave a non-apology apology to cover Obama, along with a swipe at those who would turn 

Benghazi into a "gotcha" moment.  Benghazi is a gotcha -- a moment of blinding clarity -- for what it showed about this administration of limousine radicals.  Only the mind-washed are still in the dark; power-mongers all over the world see our defeat for what it is.  They see the half-staff flags of American surrender, signaled by Obama in one long string of apologies and lies.

The Arab Spring, so-called, has immensely strengthened the near-nuclear radicals in Tehran, Cairo, Riyadh, and Tripoli.  The Muslim Revival is the biggest defeat of the West in our lives, and it was  inflicted by the Obama administration with malice aforethought.  Make no mistake about it: this is the radical left in charge.

So yes -- Benghazi is a strategic turning point.  Just as the crumbling Soviet Union around 1990 was a historic victory for democracy and enlightenment, Benghazi represents the revenge of left-fascism in the world.  The Muslim Reaction -- not the phony "Arab Spring" -- is a humanitarian and political defeat of historic proportions, turning back the clock to the worst days of the Cold War.  Or worse.

Already scores of missiles and soon nuclear weapons are pointing our way from the Imam Ali missile base in Iran.  Muslim radicals now control the weapons of the 21st century.  Those missiles and nukes will spread to a radicalized Egypt, financed by the Saudis, who need Egypt to balance against their historic enemies in Iran.

Meanwhile, Syria's civil war has turned into a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia -- the Shi'ites against the Sunnis, a struggle that goes back a thousand years.  Talk about cultural throw-backs.  Living in the year 2012, we are suddenly transported back to 1012, about a century before the Crusades.

That's how important Benghazi is.

Syria's chemical weapons and missile bases are now exposed to al-Qaeda and its ilk.  Just the other day, a Syrian missile base was overrun by Muslim radicals.  Nobody knows where Syria's big stash of chemical weapons might be scattering.  The "revolution" in Libya has spread Gaddafi's arms everywhere, so that Libyan MANPADs are now in the hands of Hamas in Gaza and Hezb'allah in Lebanon.

The word "Benghazi" captures the whole strategic fiasco in one word.  It's not a "gotcha."  It's Pearl Harbor -- a lesson in what happens when the United States hides from a violent and barbaric world.

In Obama's quaint, old-fashioned ideology, Benghazi is a victory of third-world socialism against Western democracy and civilization.  But no -- third-world socialism is on the butcher's rack even now.  Instead, people in the Middle East are now back to a totalitarian theology of radical Islam against the freedom and tolerance of Christianity and the West.  The left has won, they think.  But Islam can tolerate no competition.  Ayatollah Khomeini killed off his leftist rivals first of all.  Then he put the women under house arrest.

Within months, Iran will have a nuclear bomb, thanks to Obama.  Joe Biden's grinning smile in the veep debate last week will look very strange in those documentaries we will see very soon, looking back at this fateful page turning in the book of history.  Obama's slickster evasions will be exposed for what they are.  

The Clinton and Obama administrations will be seen as the pre-emptive surrender of the American left after the crumbling of the Soviet Union and its colonies in 1990.

After half a century of struggle, we won the Cold War and squandered the peace.  That is how posterity will see Benghazi.  The USSR crumbled, and the West sank back into laziness, fantasy, and torpor.  Obama and Hillary symbolize our unwillingness to wake up.  We just want to turn over and go back to sleep.

Benghazi is a shrill alarm going off.

Don't let them lie about it.

American Thinker