Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Marco Rubio Takes 12 Point Lead. Let’s Help Him Finish Off Charlie Crist.

Rasmussen has the political earthquake out today. Charlie Crist’s team was unavailable for comment as they were in the bathroom collectively unable to contain themselves.
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely GOP Primary voters in the state finds Rubio leading Crist 49% to 37%. Three percent (3%) prefer another candidate, and 11% are undecided.
The new numbers mark a stunning turnaround. Crist was the strong favorite when he first announced for the Senate seat, and Rubio was viewed as a long-shot challenger.
But folks, we cannot afford to get complacent. We can finish off Charlie Crist now. Pledge what you can to the Marco Rubio money bomb. Let’s ensure he is in a financial position to finish off Charlie Crist and clinch the Republican nomination.
Maybe this is why the media is reporting Charlie Crist had beakfast in Miami with Joe Biden the other day. Perhaps Crist is planning on jumping ship or taking a President appointment to lead up the relief effort to Haiti.
