As anyone who’s ever lived in our nation’s capital knows, Washington D.C. – which, as JFK famously remarked, combines northern hospitality with southern efficiency — is abysmal at snow removal. And with two major blizzards within a week, the city brought its fabled problem-solving ability to bear on what in Buffalo or Rochester is at best a minor inconvenience delaying you in getting to the bowling alley or the pizza parlor.
Besides the fact that the federal government apparently is now completely incapable of dealing with anything — do we really want to entrust our health care to this collection of circus clowns? — what did several feet of snow in the District of Columbia prove?
Why, if you’re the New York Times and MSNBC — indisputable proof of global warming!
Skeptics of global warming are using the record-setting snows to mock those who warn of dangerous human-driven climate change — this looks more like global cooling, they taunt.
Most climate scientists respond that the ferocious storms are consistent with forecasts that a heating planet will produce mores frequent and more intense weather events.
You have to love that “most climate scientists” line, as if the Times actually canvassed them all before issuing its ex cathedra statement. Meanwhile, over at MSNBC, it seems that talking points went out in force on Wednesday, as the usual suspects — Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, et al. — all hopped on the AGW bandwagon and sneered at Sen. Jim DeMint’s tweeted wisecrack that it was “going to keep snowing in D.C. until Al Gore cries uncle.”
But leave it to the Cable Network Nobody Watches’ loopy Contessa Brewer, the pride of Syracuse, to tear into the subject with her usual fetching combination of intellectual confusion, dogged belligerence and invincible ignorance:
Today we here at Big Journalism will be celebrating “climate change” by merrily denying it and daring the Left to come after us. Please join in the fun early and often and check back with us all day.
And stay warm.