“The Early Adopters” Report uncovers that most oppose a third party, many are new to politics
CHICAGO, — A new study released today reveals that Tea Party activists are motivated by feelings of responsibility to future generations and belief in America’s founding principles, but still struggle with questions of leadership and identity. The study conducted by Sam Adams Alliance, The Early Adopters: Reading the Tea Leaves, also reveals that Tea Party activists are a diverse group trying – often for the first time – to change the political landscape by holding elected officials more accountable. The results of the full report can be found at www.activistinsightsreport.com.
“A lot of surveys have focused on the Tea Party movement, but they’ve been about what others think of them, and don’t reveal the motives of actual Tea Partiers,” said Sam Adams Alliance chairman Eric O’Keefe. “We decided to learn what the Tea Party leaders are up to the old fashioned way: We asked them.”
The findings confirm that a large number of Tea Party activists are politically involved for the first time. 47 percent of activists surveyed said that they were “uninvolved” or “rarely involved” in politics before their participation in Tea Party groups.
Three political issues stood out as being the most important to Tea Party activists. When asked which issues were “very important” to them, 92 percent said “budget,” 85 percent said
“economy,” and 80 percent said “defense.” No respondents listed social issues as an “important direction” for the movement.
Other findings of the study include:
86 percent oppose the formation of a third-party.
36 percent support a 2012 Sarah Palin Presidential candidacy.
81 percent have a website for their organization.
90 percent cited “to stand up for my beliefs” when characterizing their initial reason for involvement.
62 percent identified as Republicans, 28 percent as Independents, 10 percent as “Tea Party”
Full story here.
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