Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Tea Party protesters were boy scouts compared to your average leftist demonstration

treeofliberty Wednesday, March 24th at 10:36AM EDT 

As someone who has personally witnessed leftist anti war demonstrations when I was in college, I can tell you without a doubt, unequivocally , that the Tea Party crowd were/are absolute models of restraint and uber politeness compared to what I saw with my own two eyes from the hate-America crowd.
Comparing all Republicans to Nazis, calling police and soldiers “pigs” and “baby killers”, card carrying communists preaching open revolution, profanity laced chants, defaming the US flag with corporate symbols and swastikas….well you get the idea. Thus I find it hilarious when the media starts making a fuss over what one person *may* have said to a corrupt Demorat with absolutely no evidence to support it.
Meanwhile the media treated these anti war demonstrations with kid gloves, I saw things there that were bordering on treason (I don’t use that word lightly) and the media either underplayed it or ignored it completely.
So that’s why I have little patience for the MSM’s new found concern for “civility”. I know what leftists do at their “rallies” and there is simply no comparison at all. None.
For the leftists politicians to even be able to open their mouths and demand apologies (for non-existent/unproven allegations) without bursting in hysterical laughter is something I’ll never be able to fully understand.