Saturday, October 9, 2010

Antisemite Rick Sanchez Tops A New List

 By Jennifer Hanin

It’s about time CNN removed another anti­semite from its daily news team. I don’t think Amer­ica shed any tears over CNN’s fir­ing of Rick Sanchez. I, for one, was so sick of see­ing Rick’s List dur­ing my daily work­out that Fri­day after I saw Sanchez play “war room news­caster style” by don­ning a ban­dana to show his edgi­ness and pre­tend­ing to “fig­ure out” lead­ing sto­ries that my remote read my mind and flipped the chan­nel to a recorded episode of Fam­ily Guy.

That’s right Sanchez, a bum­bling but well-intentioned dad, a stay-at-home mom, their awk­ward teenagers, a dia­bol­i­cal baby and an intel­li­gent dog that favors mar­ti­nis won over your fool­ish lists.

We know this isn’t your first hul­la­bal­loo. It’s widely known that Jon Stew­art and oth­ers mocked you for good rea­son. Let’s see, the first time I recall a big­oted state­ment vault­ing out of your mouth and careen­ing into the media was when you called US Pres­i­dent Barack Obama a “cotton-picking president.”

Even those of us that detest Obama wouldn’t make racist remarks like that. Unlike you, we ridicule Obama for his failed poli­cies, which have no bear­ing on his eth­nic­ity or her­itage. We have issue with Obama because he’s made a mock­ery out of health­care, he’s bowed to ene­mies of our state and even apol­o­gized to them, he’s cre­ated big gov­ern­ment and left our nation’s check­book in the hands of China, he’s dis­re­spected our allies like Israel, Canada and even Britain. He has even turned on Ari­zona and even filed a fed­eral law­suit over their right to pro­tect their own border.

Obama has weak­ened our bor­ders with Mex­ico even though car bombs are occur­ring more fre­quently indi­cat­ing that ter­ror­ist group Hezbol­lah has indeed infil­trated the car­tel drug trade. Obama pub­licly said he sup­ports a mega Islamic com­mu­nity cen­ter (or mosque, depend­ing on what day it is) on Ground Zero. He has sided with the Pales­tini­ans yet never demanded any con­ces­sions from them while bend­ing Israel to its knees.

Obama is the first Amer­i­can pres­i­dent to stand for a social­ist agenda while push­ing for yet another Islamic state, Pales­tine (appar­ently 57 plus isn’t enough) while crip­pling a demo­c­ra­tic state, Israel. To us, Obama stands for every­thing that is anti-American. But his eth­nic­ity has no bear­ing on our dissatisfaction.

Given your track record on cul­tural diver­sity, I’m not shocked that you blamed Jews for con­trol­ling the media and CNN. I’m hav­ing a dis­con­nect see­ing Cuba’s For­mer Pres­i­dent Fidel Cas­tro as more sym­pa­thetic to Jews than you but Cas­tro did recently rec­og­nize the strug­gles Jews have had as a peo­ple while he aimed harsh words at Iran­ian Pres­i­dent Mah­moud Ahmadine­jad. Done. You’re now below Cas­tro my list.

Then there’s the time that you attrib­uted an uncon­firmed quote to Rush Lim­baugh in what appears to be a smear cam­paign. Yet the biggest zinger that proved you don’t have to be blonde to be a ding­bat was when you con­fused the Gala­pa­gos Islands with Hawaii. Hmm. Sounds like you need a 4th grade geog­ra­phy les­son more than an on-air gig at CNN. Oh wait, there’s more. I also recall when you asked tec­ton­ics spe­cial­ist, Dr.

Kurt Frankel, to explain 9 meters in Eng­lish when talk­ing about the approach­ing tsunami. Try tak­ing a fourth grade math les­son too. My first graders already aced com­mu­ta­tive prop­erty so you’re lag­ging a tad behind.

What’s Rick’s List now?

Jennifer Hanin