Posted by Susan Swift Dec 4th 2010 at 3:05 pm in Christianity, Mainstream Media, Religion, media biasPolish up your Menorrah. Unpack the Nativity Scenes. Break out your Buddah. Just in time for the upcoming Holy days in many major religions, it is now kosher to artistically display religious symbols on government property using taxpayers’ money at the Smithsonian.
Yes, really. In fact, both the Washington Post and the L.A. Times are fuming because a bunch of wacko religious extremists offended by the government’s presentation objected. The Smithsonian buckled under the enormous pressure from these fringe radical extremists and pulled the display. And the Make-Believe Media is fit to be tied.
What was the so-called offensive art? A burning Quaran? A cartoonish Mohammed trying to sneak a turban bomb through the TSA screeners? A Menorrah burning in swirling flames of Dante’s hellfire? Kwanzaa candles ringed in slave chains?
It was Christ tortured by ants crawling over his crucified body. And the reason WaPo and La La Land Times have their panties in a knot is that the display was an expression of homosexual art,(Sado-masoChristic, as it were?), the sacred cow of the Politically Correct Cult.
Militant homoculturalists are throwing a sissy fit that Christians have a little problem with the government’s use of their own money to mock their god, Christ, the Second Person of the Divine Trinity. So the homoculturalists are using the Prop 8 tactic — threats and intimidation of all those who simply disagree with their homocultural agenda.
Big Journalism