Friday, December 3, 2010

Sarah Palin's Charisma

December 03, 2010
Why does the left hate Sarah Palin with such screaming rage? Why do they lose their  cookies at the very idea of our Sally?

Think about that for a second.

Here's a beautiful, strong, intelligent, articulate, healthy-looking, truth-telling political winner in the State of Alaska -- a gun-totin', sports-lovin', all-American woman, elected on her own merits against a corrupt establishment in Anchorage, AK.

All the feminists should be dancing and cheering, right?


On top of all that, she married a native Alaskan who actually loves his country. And she had kids. With him.

Weird, I know.

Plus, she is not embittered, alienated, or divorced.

And her children smile a lot.

Best of all, Palin does not seem to think that free abortion is the answer to the population bomb.

Puhhh-leeeze! I can hear all the metrosexuals sigh.

Oh, Gawwwdd! Is this "Father Knows Best" or what?

Watch those eyes rolling up to heaven.

Watch those hands flopping like dead fish.

Today, the New York Times is a lot more scared of Sarah Palin than it ever was after three thousand New Yorkers were burned to death on 9/11/2001.

After all, Sarah Palin could do some real damage.

Have you ever seen a more out-of-its-mind mob than the liberal media yowling at the moon over Governor Palin? I can't remember any. Well, maybe the Danish cartoon riots in Peshawar, Pakistan. Or the old Kluxers in Mississippi before the real Civil Rights movement.

The left has all the subtlety of a high-tech lynch mob, as Clarence Thomas said in 1991, when they went all-out to destroy his good name before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Clarence Thomas knows about lynch mobs from the old South, and nobody has labeled the media better. Mad-dog, foaming-at-the-mouth, baying mediot mob. They prove it every day. Just watch 'em. They will do it again and again, until we stop buying their bull.

Sarah Palin freaks out the media -- especially the feminists -- like a combined Ronald Reagan and Clarence Thomas. She is their 9/11.

One of the promises of Palin for president is all the laughs we'll get for eight whole years if she gets elected and Obama goes down.

Just think of it: eight years of belly laughs. Guaranteed.

The Secret Service will have to triple its POTUS detail, because ranting lefties are dangerous. All the would-be assassins of the 20th century came from the ranting left -- shooting JFK, Robert Kennedy, Reagan, and Ford. Not a single conservative. Not a single normal person.

Sarah, hang on to that shotgun. Alaska isn't the only place for big game. Save your best for D.C.

If 'Bam is "historic" for being black (which is bizarre enough), Palin will be doubly historic for being a passionately conservative female president. Skin color is only skin-deep.

With President Sarah Palin, we will get a sane and moral foreign policy, totally different from Obama's wacky prostration to the King of Saudi. Palin will work to reverse the damage done by Obama's Medical Piracy Act -- a big, big job. And best of all, Palin gives a wonderful example of what women (and men) can achieve. Sarah Palin is a normal person with a normal life who decided to fix what's rotten in Anchorage -- and now Washington, D.C.

What could be better than that?

Liberals get Palin's charisma vibes right off the bat. They can feel it running up their legs. Conservatives are more skeptical about politicians who inspire so much passion in millions of people. Well, skepticism is a good thing. It's what the liberals completely lost when they fell into abject, derrière-kissing love with The One. Now they are finally having second thoughts, when it's way too late. They have exposed who they really are with Obama, and even Soros is disappointed. Obama is the Buster Keaton president. If there's a banana skin he hasn't slipped on yet, he will locate it before his term runs out. Whoops! There he goes again!

While you're thinking about the next election, just enjoy the sight of Sarah Palin's charisma. Ronald Reagan had it. Obama lost it. No other Republican or Democrat in sight has it. Sorry, guys and gals, but it's true. Romney looks like a department store dummy. Palin is alive. You can see Romney thinking about every syllable he speaks. Palin's a natural.

This may be the crucial time for history to produce the woman, a critical time for a charismatic conservative to reverse the damage done by the Left. The single most important fact is that Sarah Palin can communicate. She can talk to the American people without talking down to them. She can have a real conversation, and it is high time to have a good talk with the American people. George W. Bush is a man of honor and character, but Bush knew his own limits. He could never explain himself the way Reagan did. Bush Sr. had exactly the same limitations.

But what we need more than ever today is a Republican leader who communicates with the people where they live. Constitutionalist conservatives must have a spokeswoman who touches the American people -- the millions who have been suckered and PC-whipped for far too long by the lefty media, now indistinguishable from the old CPUSA. We've been taken over by a Marx-light Democratic Party. In private they will tell you so. It's not a secret anymore, not after Obama.

Old Republicans like Karl Rove are running scared. I'm sorry to see it. Rove attacked Christine O'Donnell in public the day before the last election, when he knew he could do the most damage. That makes him a back-stabber when it comes to the constitutionalist Republicans. Too many millions of conservatives are now noticing the selfishness of the old Republicans. If the old establishment stabs the constitutional Republicans in the back, we voters will take note and keep them out. Even Barbara Bush, the matriarch of the Bush clan, has destroyed our affection for her in a single public sneer. Ed Rollins has exposed his affinity for establishment Republicans. No longer. The voters are finally watching.

We are seeing a fight within the Republican Party, but this is nothing new. Ronald Reagan was defeated by establishment Republicans before he won the nomination. Today, the establishment would be running scared about Reagan, because he could not be bought and controlled. This is happening all over again. Reagan defeated Bush I for the presidency, and Barbara Bush may harbor an old grievance about that. Well, so be it. Constitutionalist conservatives are awake and keeping score.

Conservatives want a constitutionalist president like Reagan. The left has had its Marxist president for a time. They want party line rule over America; but America may have something to say about that before it surrenders to the new power class. Expect big fireworks from the left, and be prepared to give them as good as you get.

Sarah Palin is a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon in politics. She is a charismatic constitutionalist. It's the combination that's so vital. Reagan had it. It scares the Democrats to death.

It is time for a constitutionalist who can talk straight with the American people. Human nature hasn't changed. The U.S. Constitution has not lost relevance. It is still the only functioning revolutionary political document in history. The Constitution limits the power class. Marxism empowers the powerful. It's not hard to understand. If Sarah Palin can get that single truth across to the American people, she will win and go on to become another Ronald Reagan.

Expect all the Esetablishment forces to fight against a constitutionalist conservative for president. It scares them more than a Marxist in the White House.

That's all you need to know about them.