by Dan Riehl Like a cowardly cockroach scrambling out of the light, presumably Leftist elementary school teacher Jack Senzig of Racine, Wisconsin’s Gifford Elementary School evidently deleted his political hate blog now that it’s been exposed. His school blog, which directed others to his political blog, is now marked private.
Presumably he could still provide a password to his students, so we don’t consider the issue resolved. Given the distasteful nature of his political blog, there is now no way of telling what he may be posting at his home blog in full view of his young students if he opts to provide them the password.
Furthermore, as already pointed out, initially, he didn’t seem the least bit concerned about sharing his ugly political hate speech with elementary school students, parents and colleagues at Gifford Elementary - until it began making news.
Unfortunately for Senzig, we have full screen caps of the blog.
The Underground Conservative and Real Debate Wisconsinhave saved ample evidence, as well. If Senzig believes his cause is so just, I’d like to hear him explain why he feels compelled to lobby for it with such ugliness. And as he clearly made it accessible to his young students, perhaps he owes an explanation to parents and school officials, too.
Hopefully there are at least some Racine residents willing to hold Senzig to account for what he has already done. Simply taking it down once it was discovered does nothing to excuse his pathetic and inexcusable judgment. If his mindset is indicative of your average Wisconsin teacher and teachers union member, perhaps they deserve to have more than their collective bargaining right for benefits taken away.
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