A.J. Cameron
While the OWS idiocy is ebbing, we are still under attack from those within our borders and our government who seek our demise. Due to both parents having served in WWII, I grew up realizing how damning Communism, Fascism, Marxism and Socialism are on the masses of those burdened and restricted under these ‘isms.’
Living through the days of bomb shelters and the Cold War, I never thought American citizens would seriously seek to introduce any of these ‘isms’ within the U. S., but there are those who are working ever more openly towards that end. When are patriots going to realize that many of those in power seek to impose slavery upon the producers and the lemming masses, an invisible, chainless slavery?
These ‘isms’ are promoted as systems of sharing, when they are actually systems of stealing. With our election system offering the stability of returning the unstable to office, many of the unstable begin to see themselves above those they take an oath to serve. Self-appointed, self-serving despots steal people’s money via an insane and punitive tax system that rewards the despots who impose onerous legislation and the benefactors of these despots. The despots inflict policies designed to exert control over those they boast to serve. As the despots misuse the masses’ money and manipulate their choices, people’s freedoms, based upon finances and choices, are stolen. Because these ‘isms’ supersede religious faith, traditional, faith-based morals are attacked, even outlawed, extinguishing faith and hope. Ultimately, the gates of Hell are opened, and Satan is able to sweep in to steal people’s souls? Isn’t this his all-consuming goal?
The despots of these ‘isms’ do not exist in a vacuum. Just as the mob has its made-men/button-men, the tyrants amongst us who are imposing their form of tyranny have their lieutenants who pluck the malleable, low hanging, malcontent and uniformed fruits of society who buy into their fraud and lies. There is always just enough truth embedded within their fraud and lies to attract those seeking something for nothing. Social justice is an example of this form of deceit, and many religions have bought into the lies promoted through social justice. The malcontents aren’t willing to act for themselves, so they follow the devious tyrants who use them for their own selfish ends. In reality, invisible chains hold back all but those who make and impose draconian laws, similar to the legal lawlessness under which we are now living!
American Socialist/Communist reality rely upon the naïveté of the masses
Additionally, the despots of the emerging American Socialist/Communist reality rely upon the naïveté of the masses who are too busy pursuing their individual lives to realize what is being done to usurp our freedoms, both openly and clandestinely. Many do not believe what is happening, but more importantly, many don’t want to know what is happening. They don’t want to be forced into re-prioritizing their daily actions, so it is easier to ignore, even run from, reality. These will be the loudest whiners, if the tyrants amongst us successfully subvert our Constitution and steal our God-given freedoms.
And there is a special enmity reserved for those in the QE media who prop up the lies and fraud pushed by the tyrants amongst us. They have devolved into ‘gangster ’ganda gossips’ who have abdicated their responsibility of informing the public of a government that is frightfully out of control.
If these ‘isms’ were so beneficial for the masses wherever they have been imposed, these countries should be magnets for the malcontents of the world. When has there been a mass migration to Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, China, etc.? How many generations removed are we from WWII and the many sacrifices of so many to save the world from the advancement of the enslaving ‘isms?’ What has been (and is being) taught within our educational system that fosters the acceptance of the imposition of an invisible, chainless slavery within the borders of the free and the brave?
Capitalism does not force the masses into a form of dehumanizing, chainless slavery
Capitalism is far from a perfect system, and there are cheaters in every system, but it is the one ‘ism’ that does not force the masses into a form of dehumanizing, chainless slavery. It is true that within the capitalist system, the rich get richer. They move about within the same circles, they have access to expertise, and they have the money to make mistakes and rebound that the average person does not have. The rich should not be under attack within the capitalist system; they should be studied for their success and engaged for their expertise.
Only capitalism allows people from all levels of society to pursue a vision and a dream with resolve to improve their stations in life, and the overall quality of life of society, because it is the only ‘ism’ that fosters an environment for invention and innovation from throughout society.
We are one election away from losing the greatest gift our Creator has given mankind in the form of governance as a way of fostering personal and societal growth. As a system of governance based upon Judeo-Christian morals and ethics, our country has become the envy of the world. Why are we abandoning what has given us the opportunity to enjoy financial and spiritual growth? If we are a true, two-party political system, the GOP must offer candidates for political office who are polar-opposites of the Democrats.
Otherwise, the walls built at our borders will be to imprison citizens seeking asylum beyond our borders, not protecting our borders from those who seek to enter our country illegally. New Year’s Day is a Holy Day within the Catholic faith because it is a day for spiritual renewal, looking forward. 2012 provides us the opportunity for genuine renewal to re-engage with God! Let’s make it a truly Happy New Year on November 6, 2012, by electing servant leaders to public office, blunting the Progressive blitzkrieg, and leading to an even happier, more prosperous and thankful New Year in 2013!
Canada Free Press