Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Barack Obama, George Soros, Petrobas, And The Real Reason Why Obama Is Trying To Halt American Oil Production: A Crime Inc. Update

By Gary P Jackson

We first reported on the fact that Barack Obama and his boss George Soros teamed up to make billions of dollars in the oil business, the day the $10 billion dollar gift to Brazil was announced almost a year ago. Sadly, outside of the blogs, no one has reported on this major scandal at all, except Glenn Beck, who has recently taken notice.
I mean how hard is this one to put together? You’ve got Nazi sympathizer George Soros, the self proclaimed “owner of the democrat party” purchasing controlling interest in Brazilian oil giant Petrobas, then just a couple of days later, Barack Obama “loans” the country of Brazil $10 billion, which is then given to …. wait for it …. Petrobas. Glenn keeps saying it’s $2 billion, but the commitment is for $10 billion.
You can read our most previous offerings on this incredible corruption here and here.
It’s simply incredible that no one is screaming for Obama and Soros’ arrest here. This is obvious corruption on an industrial scale. This is Obama “never letting a crisis go to waste.”
Now I’m not going to suggest that Obama or Soros, or anyone else had anything to do with the BP oil spill in the Gulf. It was a tragic accident, brought on by massive incompetence from all involved, including the government inspectors. With that said, this plays right into the Obama regime’s hands.
Obama, in an effort to help his boss Soros make billions, was already looking at ways to shut down oil production nationwide. This oil spill just made it easy as pie.
Glenn Beck has done a great job of exposing all of the criminals, radicals, and nerdowells, that make up the Obama regime, and the hangers on who look to make huge profits with Obama’s Crime Inc. On Monday, Glenn did a magnificent job of laying out the case against Obama and Soros:

Again, one must ask, why isn’t someone looking to perp walk Obama across the White House lawn on this deal? It’s incredibly obvious what this set up is. Soros is incredibly powerful, and funds hundreds of groups that spend their days trying to undermine the American way, but even so, this is pretty simple to figure out, and you’d think someone would have the guts to go after this bunch, and seek criminal indictments.
Of course, Obama is a multi-tasker, so not only is he using the BP oil spill to help Soros make billions, he’s also using it to try and pass massive “climate change” legislation, that will include a draconian cap and tax scheme, which will, as Obama has often said, make our energy prices “necessarily skyrocket.
Part of the cap and tax scenario includes a “carbon credit” trading scheme. In essence, folks will be arbitrarily given so many “carbon credits” but if they exceed the imaginary (and arbitrary) limits of allowed “pollution” they will have to either shut their activities down, or purchase “carbon credits” from those who haven’t reached their limits.
This is where Obama and Crime Inc. really look to clean up. (pardon the pun) The Chicago Climate Exchange, where all of these “carbon credits” will be traded, was funded by Obama, during his time on the board of a far left Joyce Foundation. The Chicago Climate Exchange will make money off of each transaction.
This is the Greatest Swindle In Human History © and those involved stand to make, not billions, but TENS of TRILLIONS of DOLLARS from this scam. And indeed, it’s nothing but a scam. This, BTW, is WHY your energy bills will “necessarily skyrocket.” All of this carbon trading will add incredible costs to every single product you buy, or activity you engage in, but energy, which is a particularly dirty business, will be hit hard, and have to purchase insane amounts of these credits. They will pass the costs on to the consumer.
Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant. Every time you exhale, you emit carbon dioxide. Plants can’t live without it. In fact, through photosynthesis, plants take CO2 and use it to create oxygen.
This is simply a manufactured crisis that Obama and the likes of Al Gore, Maurice Strong, and others are using in an attempt to become wealthy beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. All of them are owners, along with Goldman Sachs, of the Chicago Climate Exchange. You can read a lot more here and here.
Oh, and it gets better. As Stacy Drake points out here, BP is very much involved with Obama and the entire “climate change” agenda. BP wants to get it’s share of those TRILLIONS of dollars too!
As we point out here, the idea of America getting off of oil within our lifetimes (or our kids, or their kid’s) is highly unlikely, considering that we’ve spent the better part of a century, and untold billions, trying, with few positive results.
In fact, everything you have been told by the left about our energy reserves is a lie. Chad Stafko over at the American Thinker points out that America has over three centuries (300 years) of recoverable oil reserves.
According to a June 2008 article in Kiplinger Magazine, the United States has enough oil reserves to power the nation for upwards of three centuries. That’s three hundred years, Mr. President. We are not running out of oil reserves — it’s just that those oil reserves have been declared off-limits due to decades of environmental lobbying of our politicians, especially those on the Left. This lobbying has driven the likes of BP and others out deep into the Gulf of Mexico to extract the nation’s needed oil.
Note the following statement from the article:
… untapped reserves are estimated at about 2.3 trillion barrels, nearly three times more than the reserves held by Organization of Petroleum Exporting Counties (OPEC) and sufficient to meet 300 years of demand-at today’s levels-for auto, aircraft, heating and industrial fuel, without importing a single barrel of oil.
You can read more here.
What Obama, Soros, Gore, and the rest of Crime Inc. are up to is not only criminal, it’s immoral. Oil is the lifeblood of any economy. Remember, petroleum is used in more than just motor fuels and lubricants. Petroleum is used to manufacture plastics, medicines, literally thousands of products.
It’s also an issue of national security. We send somewhere between $700 billion and $1 trillion out of the country annually to buy crude oil. A good amount of that money goes to countries that hate us, and use this money to actively work against us. It’s insane.
Sarah Palin wrote about this recently, which we talk about here.
To sum this up, Barack Obama, George Soros, and others look to get incredibly rich off of these two schemes, and as a bonus, they get to completely and totally destroy the United States economy, in hopes of rebuilding America as a communist utopia.
These people are evil, pure and simple. Sadly, nothing will happen until the American people demand it, and demand it vigorously. If you are one of those who just sit on the couch and complain, it’s time to get up and get involved. We must stop all of this, and send these people, all of these people, to prison, where they belong.
Video courtesy of The Right Scoop

A Time For Choosing