Sunday, June 6, 2010

More Quote of the Day Honorable Mentions, Part 60

Sunday, June 6, 2010

"Cooking With Gas" Edition...

"The Left and the media, together, long ago taught Republicans to be battered housewives that take punch after punch without complaint, forever afraid to stand up and fight back because they DESPERATELY yearn for media love and affection... Well, Palin’s in the kitchen now, folks, and she’s cooking with gas. When the media hits her or someone she supports, Palin grabs the nearest skillet and she starts whacking those responsible upside the head... Republicans should have been behaving like this for the last 30 years."
Eric Porvaznik:
"As Sarah Palin well understands, you know you’re doing an effective job when the competition starts slandering and making unfounded threats against you."
Colleen Carroll Campbell:
"We hear a lot about the absolutism of women like Palin, who opposes abortion even in the hard cases. Often overlooked is the absolutism of her critics - avowedly "pro-woman" abortion-rights advocates who cannot bring themselves to condemn even partial-birth or sex-selective abortion, the latter of which is an increasingly common practice in the U.S. and abroad in which unborn girls are targeted for elimination simply because they are girls."
Be John Galt:
"Is calling Sarah Palin a bimbo really all that much different than using the “N” word to describe Barack Obama?"
"Sarah Palin has street cred on the oil industry, and Barack Obama does not. So when she speaks of the relationship between government and oil companies, she can [do] so more authoritatively than Robert Gibbs, whose only comeback was, to paraphrase, 'so what if we took more oil lobby money than anyone else…we’re not soft on big oil…we wanted to tax them...' And thus does not break from the theme of Obama’s disaster management in the gulf, which is 'Sue, baby. Sue.'"
Peter Brown:
"GOP officials have gone on the offensive against the White House for lax regulation of offshore drilling and a slow response to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill... Essentially, they are trying to convince voters that Obama & Co. sold out the public and the environment to cater to their oil industry friends... Sarah Palin, the GOP’s 2008 vice presidential nominee, and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, whose state is the most hurt by the spill, are leading the offensive... James Carville, the chief strategist for Bill Clinton’s 1992 election and a well-respected voice within the inner circles of the Democratic Party, last week warned that the White House did not understand it was playing with political dynamite... Ms. Palin and Mr. Jindal seem to agree with Mr. Carville’s risk assessment."
Rob Miller:
"Sarah Palin's proven that [she] knows oil and she knows how to slap oil companies around and get action. Does anyone doubt that if she were in the White House, even as a sitting Vice President that this would have been handled a lot quicker and a lot better?"
"Sarah Palin is right. Why else do we have to drill 5,000 feet below the ocean's surface, drill thousands of feet below that once you're down there, to tap the oil the our very societal structure requires for it's day-to-day operations? Other than crazy whackjob enviroweenies who force them that far offshore and down? Tell you what. Let 'em give up every bit of the thin veneer of civilization that depends on oil as energy, all of it. Computers included. Air conditioning, vehicles, food not grown withing a horseback-ride distance, all the modern conveniences, then get back to me."
Don Surber:
"Sarah Palin [recently] observed that Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul is now facing the over-the-top and relentless criticism of the Fourth Estate. Today, she welcomed another politician [Nikki Haley] to Palinland — the place where the true threats to liberalism are. She’s in good company."
Bernie Quigley:
"The ground feeders in the political blogs went after Sarah Palin with the most guttural innuendo. Now... they are going after Nikki Haley, who is running for governor of South Carolina.... Knowing a little about the Carolinas, I think the blogger who challenged Nikki Haley’s fidelity as her career rises has instead ensured her election and possibly skyrocketed her to national prominence with Palin. (Palin/Haley 2012, no?)"
April Gavaza:
"What is it about Sarah Palin that makes people on the Left so crazy? Is it her hotness? Her outspokenness? Her drive? Her ambition? Her hair? What is wrong with these people?"
Patrick S. Adams:
"12 million dollars, a Fox News gig, a speaking gig, a NY Times Best Selling book and ranking in the polls of 2012 presidential contenders later, there are some who still think Sarah Palin's not smart. I'm no genius. But considering that she has also been a city councilwoman, a mayor, an oil and gas commissioner, a governor and the first female Vice Presidential candidate to run on the Republican ticket, I would hope that I wouldn't be ignorant enough to think that someone with all of that on their resume isn't very intelligent. Only a moron would be stupid enough to call Sarah Palin an idiot."
David Warren:
"Whether you like or dislike Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh (I adore them both), they have articulated the spirit of rebellion against taxes and debt, against sprawling, parasitical bureaucracies, and against 'the culture of death.'"
Ken Hughes :
"Sarah Palin is the one person who scares hell out of the Obama camp. They know she is the candidate that can come closest to beating Obama in the 2012 presidential election should she decide to run. The left has done all that is possible to destroy Sarah Palin’s reputation as a political figure and as a person... The only thing the left is convincing anyone of is what idiots they are... Palin is a factor the left can’t budge and whatever she does it will be with her best efforts. Whether it’s by instinct or serious study Sarah Palin possesses some of the qualities and idiosyncrasies of men and women who made this nation great. All of the nasty comment and lies her critics think up can’t change the person Sarah Palin is. And a woman shall lead us out of the wilderness"
Ginny Thomas:
"Sarah Palin is an authentic, effective leader."
Ilana Angel:
"Ever since I wrote about my encounter with Sarah Palin, and the fact that I thought, after meeting her, that she was a cool broad, I have been the target of hate. Both from strangers, and people I know... I am sick and tired of people attacking this woman’s child. Think whatever you want about her, I certainly do, but leave her kids alone."
Pamela Geller:
"Palin just gets better and better, and she was brilliant to begin with. It is no wonder Obama and his left-wing paramilitary thugs are scared to death of her. This is what the leader of the free world should sound like."
Fiery Spirited Zionist:
"Here is an example of real leadership and moral courage. This is what a president of the United States should say. A REAL president, one with moral fiber and intestinal fortitude would have our ally's back when their enemies (who are also our enemies) are waging war against it regardless of world reaction. Sarah Palin immediately came out in an unequivocal defense of Israel. The leftist miscreants can mock her all they want, but hussein obama isn't fit to shine Sarah's shoes."
Barking Moonbat EWS:
"So who in the US government is speaking up for our #2 ally? Nobody. Thank God we have Sarah Palin... Because the Right has to have SOMEONE with the stones to stand up and speak the truth."
A.R. Clein:
"Why is Sarah Palin the only politician making some sense on the BP oil spill disaster? This is a national emergency that itself cannot be handled by BP at the coastal impact level... We have now wasted a month when every effort should have been directed toward sealing of as much wetland as possible with simple berms. That is what local government can do. Why does Sarah Palin even have to point this out? Are our politicians so disconnected from the physical reality of the living environment that they can not see this?"
- JP  

Texas for Sarah Palin