Sunday, June 13, 2010

Raj: Reagan heir Sarah Palin to meet Iron Lady Thatcher

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Raj Rajagopalan, the Long Island Democrat Examiner, says of all U.S. politicians, "it is undoubtedly Sarah Palin" who has the Reagan-style charisma. She also has Reagan appeal, according to Rajagopalan, and is more in agreement with Regan's principles much more than any other politician:
Conservatives in America voice it day and night that it took a weak and incompetent President like Jimmy Carter to create the most popular Conservative hero Ronald Reagan. And they see weak and incompetent President Obama as the next Jimmy Carter, creating the next Reagan in Sarah Palin.

Sarah Palin is all set to meet Britain’s most popular Conservative icon, and first female Prime Minister, Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher.

Sarah Palin’s team approached Margaret Thatcher, and requested a meeting. And Thatcher happily agreed to host Sarah.
Both Ronaldus Maximus and Lady Thatcher are at or very near the top of Gov. Palin's list of heroes. Meeting the former prime minister and winning her over would complete the Reagan connection for the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate. Democrats should be afraid, very afraid:
When Reagan started out, Jimmy Carter ridiculed him and thought Reagan was dumb. Reagan ended up defeating Carter in a massive 44 state landslide victory in 1980, making Carter a one-term President. President Obama better not do the same mistake that Jimmy Carter did. President Obama better watch out for Sarah Palin, the next Reagan dressed in a skirt.
Texas for Sarah Palin