Saturday, June 26, 2010

MEET THE NEW BOSS—SAME AS THE OLD BOSS: Palin Legal Defense Fund Found By Obama’s Legal Team To Be Non-Compliant--Surprise

I know this is beginning to look  like a Sarah Palin Palinista blog, but the more the DNC and Obama attack this woman with slander rather than on the issues, the more compelled I feel the need to defend her.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

(This is from the editors) Almost one year after the Obama legal team at the firm Perkins Coie concluded that Governor Palin’s legal defense fund failed to comply with Alaska law, a new investigator dusted off that report and essentially re-issued it. Why are we not surprised?

First, some context. Who is Perkins Coie?
The firm is counsel of record for the Democratic National Committee, and other political clients include nearly all Democratic members of the United States Congress, as well as several Presidential campaigns, including those of John Kerry and Barrack Obama.
Well, we can’t see a problem with the DNC “counsel of record” and Obama’s personal law firm issuing a report on whether Sarah Palin’s legal defense fund is compliant—especially since most of those fees were incurred during the campaign against Obama. And the “ethics” complaints that were filed like clock work after Sarah Palin returned to Alaska—no connection there to the DNC and its cast of miscreant bloggers in Alaska. (Alaska Democratic Party official hate web site against Sarah Palin). No sirree.

Who else does Perkins Coie represent?
The firm also represents the Democratic Leadership Council, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
Still, just because they are neck deep in all Democrat Party issues from the President on down to congressional races, I am sure they would be fair to Sarah Palin. After all, its not like they represent Islamic terrorists or Osama bin Laden’s body guard or something . . . er . . . wait. There’s more:
In 2006, Perkins Coie made headlines when . . . it represented Salim Ahmed Hamdan, the alleged driver and bodyguard of Osama Bin Laden.
So Perkins Coie represents Islamic terrorists, and President Obama, and is general counsel to the DNC, and it represents every major DNC electoral committee in the United States. That does not mean it got any money from Obama or his campaign—the very campaign Sarah Palin was fighting against and incurred all these legal fees? Right?

Wrong again. Turns out Obama has paid millions of dollars to this law firm in the last two years:

First quarter of 2010: $261,206.69
(FEC Report, First Quarter 2010) And prior to this, up to October 2009, “Obama has paid Perkins Coie, a single law firm, $2.6 million since he announced his campaign for presidency.” So by now, it is fair to estimate Obama has paid this law firm close to $3 million.

The legal fees incurred by Sarah Palin stemmed from multiple lawsuits and ethics complaints—approximately 26, all of which were thrown out or dismissed. Then there were the dozens and dozens of harassing and frivolous public records act requests, which at last count cost the State of Alaska over $1,000,000. Fortunately, none of the baseless records act requests or ethics complaints were affiliated with the Alaska Democratic Party (itself an arm of the DNC) or their chosen bloggers . . . wait, according to a hate web site paid for by the Alaska Democratic Party: “The Alaska Democratic Party (ADP) joined at least 18 other news organizations and groups filing requests for information . . . .” And what is listed as an official blog for the Alaska Democratic Party . . . none other than Celtic Diva, the blogger herself being the author of several frivolous ethics complaints, including the laughable Arctic Cat jacket complaint.

And what is the primary goal of the DNC and its arm the Alaska Democratic Party? As stated on the ADP website: “Keep Sarah Palin Out of Public Office.”

That brings us back to Perkins Coie, the official law firm for the DNC and Obama, both of whom instruct the ADP to “keep Sarah Palin out of public office” and mobilize their useful idiots like Shannyn Moore, Jeanne Devon, Linda Kellen-Biegle, and the anti-Semitic terrorist loving Phil Munger. Birds of a feather. How was it that Perkins Coie was selected in the first place? Why didn’t the DNC official law firm disclose to the Personnel Board the fact that it was counsel for the DNC, and by extension, the ADP and the many inane bloggers who filed frivolous ethics act complaints? Seeing as this supposedly “independent” law firm was supposed to make a ruling on “ethics” one can rightfully question that firm’s ethics for withholding key information from the public. Maybe they were busy that day, representing Osama bin Laden’s staff and all. (It’s nice to know that the FBI’s number one most wanted can get his staff the same lawyers that represent the President of the United States). What a country.

A lawsuit was filed against Sarah Palin for supposedly forgetting to issue a Juneteenth proclamation--it was thrown out as frivolous. That lawsuit was co-plaintiffed by Eagle River resident Kim Chatman--whose sole claim to fame is her proclamation that her husband is African American and therefore she opposes Sarah Palin. And her co-plaintiff, whose position she endorsed fully and swore was true under penalty of perjury, was an African American trumpet player who claimed he sexually hit on a married and eight month pregnant Sarah Palin and she supposedly refused to "get with him." (We are not making this crap up. This is what the man said). Of course, to Kim Chatman, that makes Sarah Palin racist. The fact that this was all fiction but was sworn to in a court pleading means it is not only fiction, but perjury. But Kim Chatman, is now the star witness for Obama's lawyers at Perkins Coie and Democrat Tim Petumenos.

Today it was announced that Petumenos, in contrivance with prevaricator Kim Chatman, has determined that the legal defense fund set up for Governor Palin violates Alaska law. Hey, where did we hear that before? Oh yeah--Obama's lawyers at Perkins Coie made that same conclusion just a year ago. And our favorite, Kim Chatman--illegally released the Obama lawyers' report to the media. Oddly, however, Obama's lawyers and now apparently Tim Petumenos, wanted to protect their little flunky, Kim Chatman, so she is not charged with her knowing and intentional violation of Alaska law. No, she gets rewarded today--she gets credit for working with Obama's lawyers on this one. So let's recap so far: Kim Chatman violates Alaska law by illegally releasing the Obama lawyer report on July 14, 2009--and the Personnel Board is mum. It's apparently okay to violate the law as long as you are not a conservative. But if you are Sarah Palin--well, you better sit down.

Get this. According to the brilliant minds in Alaska, the legal defense fund set up for Sarah Palin does not comply with Alaska ethics law. You may or may not be surprised that Sarah Palin's legal defense fund is not the first legal defense fund established for a public official. Bill and Hillary Clinton had one. John Kerry had one. Ted Stevens and Don Young have them. And to compound matters, the lawyers who drafted Sarah Palin's legal defense fund also drafted many of those, including Newt Gingrich's and the Clintons. Why are we not surprised that Sarah Palin's identical legal defense fund is thrown out but everyone else's is held up as a model of legality? Isn't this a foregone conclusion when Obama's personal lawyers are put in charge of drafting the first report against Obama's past and potential future opponent? "That is an outrageous lie" you say, there is no way anyone would hire Obama's personal lawyers to write up a report about Sarah Palin? Sorry, it is in fact the sorry truth. And an outrageous public deception and fraud. The Alaska Personnel Board has cleared up all doubt--it is incompetent. When an “ethics board” hires the political opponent to draft a report, that board is neither ethical nor competent.

How was it that Obama's lawyers were put in charge of this investigation? No one knows. It appears that Obama's lawyers may have failed to reveal the millions of dollars it has been paid by Obama to the Alaska Personnel Board. We must assume this, because if Perkins Coie did disclose this to the Personnel Board, and it nevertheless hired Perkins Coie, then we need to open an investigation into the Board to determine what type of corruption could lead to that result.

And as usual, the complicit Alaska press blessed this arrangement. As Don McLean wrote: "Not a word was spoken. The church bells all were broken." So Obama's personal lawyers get "hired" by the state of Alaska to "investigate" and write a report about Sarah Palin. Hmmm. I wonder how that will turn out for her?

According to today’s re-hashed report, Governor Palin's lawyers had to uncover this information. But the harm was done. Obama's lawyers already prepared a report finding Governor Palin's legal defense fund to be violative of Alaska law. So what did the Personnel Board do? It let Obama's lawyers go (but paid them for their work and kept the report) and it hired Democrat Tim Petumenos. And what did he do? He took the Obama report, reshuffled some paragraphs, reviewed some evidence, and decided that he could not change the Obama report now that Kim Chatman had illegally released it to the media--reaching a fair conclusion was out of the question now that everyone in America was already told the legal defense fund was illegal. So he added some facts Obama's lawyers wanted to conceal from the public--but he buried it at the end of his report.

The most important parts of this new report are in paragraphs 24 and 25, where Petumenos concedes:
"Governor Palin was nevertheless following the express advice of one of her attorneys who told her the Trust complied with all laws and was indeed unassailable."
(Report para. 24). In other words, a highly technical legal document is being found non-compliant, but Governor Palin was "expressly advised" by attorneys that "the Trust complied with all laws and was indeed unassailable." No doubt the shrieking hysterical Left will accuse Palin of deliberately violating the law--but the truth is clear in this report: she was advised by competent attorneys that the Trust fund "complied with all laws and was indeed unassailable." Petumenos also states that the problems with the Trust "are not so obvious as to impute knowledge to Governor Palin especially as her attorneys did not advise her of the ethics problems. Therefore, the evidence supports Governor Palin’s contention that any violation of the Ethics Act was not a knowing violation." (Report para. 25).

So what does this really mean? The Trust, as a separate legal entity "violates the Ethics Act" but Governor Palin had no reason to know this. One wonders how Petumenos can blame Governor Palin when in fact he concludes that Palin had no knowledge of any violation, no intent to violate any law, and that she was advised the trust fund complied with all laws? Under these facts--laid out by Petumenos (but omitted in the initial report by Obama's lawyers), how can Petumenos conclude she violated the law? At worst her legal team made a mistake. In all probability, the Palin legal defense fund does not violate Alaska law or any other law. It is no different than Don Young's, Ted Stevens', the Clintons' and John Kerry's. But those of us who have followed Sarah Palin's career have seen one constant--there are rules for her and there are rules for everybody else. This is just one more example of the hypocritical treatment she receives at the hands of her own countrymen.

As for today’s report, the new boss is Democrat Tim Petumenos, but the report’s conclusions are virtually identical to the old boss—Obama’s lawyers and the legal arm of the DNC.

Good work Alaska. It is nice to see the Personnel Board is working in tandem with the DNC and the ADP to “Keep Sarah Palin out of public office.” The problem is, we see through this. We know who authored the report. We can see that Sarah Palin’s legal defense fund is identical to every other public official’s legal defense fund—but only Sarah Palin’s trust fund is attacked.

Here is our message to Sarah Palin—the more the DNC, the ADP and Obama’s lawyers conspire to “keep you out of public office” the more we will gather our troops and fight for you.

Conservatives for Palin