Posted by John Nolte Apr 12th 2011 at 1:00 pm in Featured Story, GOP, Journolist, Mainstream Media, Politico, media bias And so it finally happened. Obviously troubled by the fact that Donald Trump’s questions surrounding Barack Obama’s birth certificate are starting to gain some real traction, Ben Smith at the left-wing Politico finally panicked and fired off the Race Card. Hilariously, Smith did so using my favorite brand of agendized journOlism, what I call the “Some Say” tactic. How it works is very simple. In order for Smith to hide behind his dishonest and arrogant veil of objectivity, he simply finds others saying what he wants to say and abuses his position to amplify the charges directly into the narrative. Today, his chosen ”Some Sayers” are those in the Black community accusing Trump of racism.
How so very convenient.
A few weeks ago, Trump came along and asked simply, “Why doesn’t Obama clear this up once and for all and release his long form birth certificate?” Naturally, Obama’s MSM Palace Guards immediately became obsessed with Trump (Trumpers?) and tried to marginalize the billionaire as one of those “crazy birthers.” But the problem for them (and Obama) is that Americans already know Trump. They know he’s no fringe extremist and so a lot of reasonable voters are now starting to ask, “Yeah, why won’t he release it?”
Uh, oh, says Obama’s MSM, and now quite predictably it’s time for Ben Smith to lead the Palace Guard journOlism charge with a def-con 4 attack. Because obviously….
…if it were liberals questioning something silly about Sarah Palin, Ben Smith would protect her with “Some Sayers” screaming sexism. Oh, wait. And oh wait again.Step 2 in the JournOlism handbook will be for this to go viral and penetrate the MSM, and it already has (note how NBC “warns” this could damage Trump’s business). Furthermore, the timing here isn’t at all accidental. Recent polls show the Black community souring a bit on Obama, gas prices continue to threaten to turn him into Carter 2, Libya is looking like the last reel of a Keystone Kops programmer, and Their Precious One is currently polling below 50% in hypothetical matchups with every potential GOP challenger. The MSM hope here (if I may use that word) is that screaming racism will suck all the air away from Obama and his growing pile of failures — and, of course, cynically bring the Black vote back in line.
…you can’t be curious about why, for the first time in history, the MSM is protecting a sitting President from releasing a document instead of demanding it — without being racist.
This is all part of a broader and ongoing 2012 strategy. The media knows that the only way Obama gets re-elected is if the upcoming campaign isn’t about him. If 2012 is a referendum on the incumbent, he loses in a landslide. So the idea is to keep the focus on the GOP by any means necessary and the neverending hurling of the racism charge is one way to do that.
I’ve never doubted Obama was born in the United States, mainly because there was no way the Ambition Machines we call the Clintons would’ve ever let something like that pass. I also believe the White House and their partners in the MSM love the Birther issue because it allows for them to scream “racism” at the Right — their favorite political weapon.
As you can see in the video above, though, Ann Coulter’s able to concisely and quickly blow the Birther theory out of the water, something the MSM could do but refuses to in order to keep the issue alive on behalf of the White House. This cynical partisan tactic of intentionally leaving questions unanswered surrounding the issue is, however, now starting to backfire. Trump isn’t something they expected. And now they have a tiger of their own creation by the tail.
We’ll see how Smith’s desperate and obvious (and arguably personal) Race Card plays. My guess is that Trump’s not going to take being smeared like this lightly. Politically, this is also a dumb play on Smith’s part. Trump isn’t someone the MSM can “rube” and the only thing Americans hate more than racism are phony charges of the same.
I’m not worried about beating Obama in 2012. With his record, anyone would fire him. It’s the MSM who will make this a fight and Ben Smith just proved they’re willing to take it right into the gutter.
Big Journalism